By way of a short explanation, i typically don't get the chance to post much on the forum, typically because I have a grade A full-time job and a family full of activities with no end. But as some of you heard, I somehow managed to injure a nerve in my back that has caused me Country Coach level pain and I basically spend the day in bed with minor trips to the loo.

I was on the mend last weekend when I took at full reversal and have been in as bad a shape as I was at the Oysterfest. So, other than sit here on drugs, I have used some of the time to do some POG X work and then generally jack with a few folks on the form, which used to be a more full-time job for me.

So, no I haven't retired to sitting around in my underware computer stalking all day yet (you guys know who you are). It's just this is about the only thing I can do laying on my back hurting like a mutha, so hopefully for all of us, it won't last much longer.