Jim Skiff has scheduled a session for Country Coach Owners at POG 9 in Kerrville. I have agreed to conduct the session but I would like some input into what areas we should discuss. As you know I obtained all of the available documentation and electronic spare parts and printed circuit boards when Country Coach was liquidated. I will be happy to bring whatever materials we may need to discuss including the database that includes most of the drawings. My background is as an Electronic Design Engineer so I will be happy to focus on any specific electrical or electronic areas that the group would like to dig into. I have a reasonably full schedule between now and October so I would like your comments as soon as possible so I can prepare and search through the database for the appropriate documentation. Feel free to e-mail me at mcirco@hughes.net if you have any questions or needs.

Miles Circo
2004 Country Coach 45' XLII D/S
Wittman, Maryland