We had our Crestron System upgraded last year on our 2004 CC by Greg Amero, Innovative Control, LLC. His numbers are 503-914-5840 and 503-871-7922(C). I believe he was the original person that designed the program. Tim Brown is the one who actually did the work. His numbers are 541-974-7871 and 425-709-7002. Tim flew in from Oregon to Dallas to do the upgrade. It took a few days for the process. It is a great improvement over the original system. We have our bus serviced at National Indoor Storage in Lewisville, TX. Todd Springs and Eddie Braley have a vast knowledge on Country Coach. You might be able to have something done there with just a computer hook-up with Greg or Tim. Their number is 469-277-1330. It was a bit expensive but we feel like it was well worth the price to have all of the controls and remotes upgraded.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.
