Without going into all the agonizing details, I am pleased to report that I have concluded the deal with the Bankruptcy Court to obtain all the documentation, drawings, service manuals, etc. that were used by Country Coach to build and service all their Prevost Conversions. In addition, I have also obtained service test fixtures including a complete enclosure with motherboard and all other boards used in the buses of the 90's thru 2003. Furthermore I have acquired all of their spare printed circuit boards as well as many of the parts used on these boards. As I had mentioned earlier, I have obtained well over a thousand of the elusive Sunmulon switches. Yesterday morning, I personally delivered everything to a freight terminal in Eugene Oregon for shipment to my home in Maryland. It will take me some time to inventory what I have but all of us orphaned owners should feel comfortable that we should be able to keep all our Country Coach proprietary electronics running for the forseeable future. I have met with Nick Hessler who has been working on Country Coach buses for many years and I will be supporting him with spares, parts, documentation, etc. so he can continue in his efforts to support our buses. As most of you know my background is as an electronic design engineer so excuse my geeky excitement. It will also take me a while to go thru all the drawings but the goal will be to provide every owner with a copy of all applicable drawings associated with their bus. The drawings and documentation just for buses was over 40 GB (GigaBytes) of data. Many of the files are in "AutoCad" files and I will convert them to PDF files. Fortunately, Country Coach did a reasonable job of scanning even old drawings into their computer system. I am sure there will probably be a few things missing though. The Bankcruptcy Court let the Auctioneers into the building to begin organizing for the sale before I was given access. Their cleaning crew threw out files and drawings believing they were of no value. I did rescue quite a bit , maybe even more than I thought, because when I arrived at the freight terminal yesterday I had over 2200 pounds of stuff. There is plenty more to this story but I wanted to share the news while I am sitting at the airport in Portland heading back home.

Miles and Laura Circo
2004 Country Coach XLII D/S
Wittman, Maryland