So work with me here and outline exactly what this new stuff on the information highway does that email and a cell phone will not do. Talk slow and do not use big words.
This is from my VERY limited experience with it, so YMMV.

FB allows you to have "friends". In your account you have a "wall", and when you post something there, anyone who is your friend instantly gets a notification of that post.

So, it's a very quick way of disseminating information to "interested" people. You can alternately send a private type of message too, if you want to, but the intended use is to simply type a message, add a photo or two, and then everyone who cares, instantly knows about it, and can view said items.

A similar concept to friends is "fans". I don't know exactly how they differ, but I believe the same concept applies, that when you post, your "fans" get it. I've only known of celebrities or businesses who have "fans", rather than friends.

By being a "friend" or a "fan" of someone, you are in essence saying, "I want to be kept informed of what you want to post". From there it's automatic, both for me as a poster, or as a friend of someone else.
