Well, here in NW Arkansas we have had 6-8 inches of rain the last few days. No real wind issues, just lots of water coming down. Well, I noticed some wet area on the wooden TV case over the Driver's seat and removed the new Flat Screen and voila, wetness. Not just damp, but not puddling. The ceiling liner is spongy wet. I dabbed up most of the wetness after cutting all power (on 50 amp AC at home) then put a fan into the compartment to dry out what I could. Then got up on the ladder and looked for possible penetrations. I don't see anything that looks like it is a problem of this magnitude. We had some leakage this last May behind the first window behind the Driver, and had a local RV center "Seal" any suspicious areas with DiClor (sp). No problems till this last week. Much worse, and the previous area is dry. I remember a posting about roof products. Anyone help with that? The seams look good, and the actual paint (original I guess) looks ok, not nearly enough to leak this much. The running lights look good, lenses with many spider web type cracks and damp on inside, but I suppose from condensation not rain. A forward Dish for DataStorm was removed in May but looks (?) ok. SO, what product do I want to do this with?