As much as he would like, Joe can not read posts.

It would be good if our webmaster would post rules and ethics of the forum, so we could know where the boundries are in PM's and posts.

In the last few months Lew and Joe have been removed from this forum due to printed replies and PM's, (one side information).

We are here on this forum to learn about our bus's and share stories and voice our opinions about current topics. If and when our view needs censored, we should be called on it from the webmaster or edited by him.

If and when we are in a situation of a bad or hurtful posting from a member, it should be handled in a professional manner.

We make friends at events and for the most part members are only involved in this forum to share. Sometimes the printed words are taken wrong and thus the posting person is shunned.

Joe's intentions were only to help fellow members and it came across as a undermine of sponsors.

There are always two sides to a coin and if the membership were allowed to view both, then we all could decide on the future of POG. I was always told by the webmaster that this is a member forum and let him know what we would like, to see POG grow.

This would be a good time to voice your opinions on Lew and Joe and the webmaster would and could decide on the future of POG.

Thanks for the space.