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Thread: So, that was a surprise ....

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Lake Forest

    Default So, that was a surprise ....

    So, I had mentioned last week, that I had visited Kevin Erion's shop and we had solved my air-lock problem. During that visit we had opened the engine compartment to check coolant level (my engine seems to be running warmer than I'd like), and to check the 2-speed fan relay.

    While there I noticed the light switch was up (on), and neither of the lights were working. Remembering I had seen them on in the past, I assumed because the switch was up that they had burned out.

    So, this past weekend, I picked up some new bulbs to change out, and after changing both, still no light.

    Ultimately I discover, much to my chagrin, that the ignition key needed to be on to make the engine lights work. I assume now that the accessory position would have also worked, but this was a surprise.

    It wouldn't have been quite so bad, changing lights that turned out to be just fine. But in the process I dropped a screw three times trying to get to the one light in the right-hand side compartment. One of those drops took over an hour to find the screw again. It had landed on the plate above the batteries, and rolled into a finger hole there, and had ended up on top of one of the batteries, behind the wires, so that it was not visible, until I had unbolted and removed the battery cover and emergency reflector box.


    I guess the good news is that while the batteries were uncovered, I noticed a little corrosion on one of the terminals that will need attention next time I'm out there.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Brooksville, Fl. & Franklin, N.C.


    Ray, Sounds like the way some of my repairs go sometimes.

    99 Country Coach 45XL
    Jeep Liberty

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Port St. Lucie, FL


    Yep, Ray, kinda been there....done that....

    Reminds me of a time when, as a very young guy, I was at my parents house on a Friday right after work. Getting set to meet my girl for drinks and dinner.

    But, I decided that, since I had a few minutes, I would do a quick oil and filter change on my MGB.... had everything I needed right in the trunk.

    Back in those days, we just drained the oil onto the ground somewhere convenient in the grass at the back of the property. So, I park my car in "the spot" and proceed to dump the oil and replace the filter. A matter of minutes and so far..... so good.

    Now, I had one of those plastic funnels that snapped onto the top of the oil can, so it was real easy to dump the fresh oil into the valve cover.

    And, being in a hurry and knowing it all, (having changed oil at least dozens of times), I didn't realize 'till I dumped that first quart that I had failed to remove the little plastic cap that was on the end of the funnel..... which of course was now resting nicely somewhere amongst the upper valve train within the valve cover. Can't even see it. No way to retrieve it without removing the valve cover.

    Now I'm stuck with a car I can't drive and I'm about to go shopping for a valve cover gasket for a '70 MGB. Try finding one of those before 5:00 on a Friday night!

    Well, several hours later, I had managed to find a foreign car shop that would stay open long enough for me to get a gasket, remove and replace the valve cover, complete the oil change and meet my girl.

    She failed to see the humor.........

    And you can bet that NEVER happened again!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Lake Forest


    Wow, great story Paul.

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