I called Prevost in Fort Worth to schedule having my formerly rock chipped but now rock cracked windshield replaced when I pass thru there on Friday and they informed me the windshield was "On Sale", so I called Prevost Parts who gave me the skinny.

XLII Windshield is regularly - $519 each
Now on sale for - $419
If you buy 5 or more - $319 each

Now here is the rub. You can't mix right and left sides. You have to buy all of one side or the other. And they are drop shipped from the glass plant direct to you.

So the good news is, if you want or need to change out a windshield, this is the time to do it. With the labor, I can get mine changed out for +/-$600 and this is regularly more than $900.

Now if I can just get all the Houston area deuce owners to pony up, we would have a batch of these for future use. But Loc has his phone set on "SHUN" and I don't know where Spongebob is hiding.