Hey All,
Big warning in the area I'm in right now for Tornados. Evidently, the "perfect" tornado weather is brewing in East TX, LA, AR area. Heavy weather from the Rockies is meeting with gulf winds. Last night we drove through what was maybe the most violent rain storm I ever saw!

So, if I see a big twister heading my way, what do you do? Remember, I have two kids. I have heard you are supposed to get out of your car and get in a ditch. Really??? Again, REALLY? It seems that with crap being flung through the air at 150mph, one would want to stay inside.

Since the bus weighs 24 tons, I would think that staying in the bus might be the best option. Buckled up? All crammed in a closet? Under the bed? Any thoughts? I'm not from these parts.

Thanks for any ideas.
