I managed to get the bus out this weekend for a short get a way. But ran into a small problem.

The Prevost installed level low system, all manual system, no automatic features.

Set the switch to "front" and I can go "down, but not "up". When I hit the "up" switch I hear a solenoid kick in and a small puff of air, but no air seems to be passing to the airbags.

When the switch is in the "left" or "right" setting, "up & down" works. Or i seems to be anyway. The bus does rise up. Just not sure if it is the rear only or both rear and front.

I read the article on the web site "THE PREVOST SUSPENSION SYSTEM AND REPAIRS" http://www.prevostownersgroup.com/pu...ntype=Articles

and is suspect that the 2nd from the top solenoid valve may have a stuck spool in it?? Just a very wild guess on my part.

Any suggestions would be appreciated. I would like to track this down and fix it myself if possible, but without spending a lot of effort looking in the wrong places.

Thanks in advance, let the fun begin.