Iam very impressed with this sytem I am in the process of installing. Could not be an easier plug in play.

I pulled out the old Intec monitior / I am using the same wiring harness from the old monitor. Only need the hot and ground. Push button on- good to go.

The side mount camer has some many different way to angle the camera.

I took the mounting plate the old monitor was in, made a template and am good to go. Looks like a factory install.

My level of expertise- maybe a 6-7 on a scale of 1-10. If you could hook up a received, cassette deck and speakers on the old stereos- you can do this.

I have the entire side of bus and basically the whole lane next to the bus.
Crisp, sharp color. Front to back of bus. Iwill still use mirrors but this will help.
