Country Coach out sourced nearly all of the electronics, a major provider who is still around, is Inner City Electronics, 3698 Franklin Blvd., Eugene, Or. 97403, 541-726-7613. They made most of the mother and daughter boards and those many little cards that lurk behind every system and, they really know their stuff!! Country Coach found a less expensive vendor a few years back but, not to worry, these guys know who and where they are. CC tech support "relied" on these guys to answer most of the questions that they could not answer about the electronics.

I a trying to run down right now the vendor for the cutsie little electric connectors that CC has used for some time...the red ones that most owners are familiar with. They are made in Seattle.....and caution, caution, matter how great the urge, do not, repeat do not spray them with electrical contact cleaner....... You will hear a little plink plink plink sound within minutes, the connectors will be gone and wires will be hanging.