I went to the office and got a list of all the people who have made reservations and said they were part of POG. (listed below)

The big tent in the Rally lot is already spoken for by the other group in the rally lot during this time. So I have reserved a large building for all day Saturday 14 Feb. The building is near the rally lot and can hold 100 people. It is the only day I could get. So how about a pot luck about 4PM on the 14th? The rest of the day could be used for presentations or a non stop story telling, drinking, eating, socializing event.

Friday afternoon starting about 2 PM we will have an extended "Happy Hour" at our home for whomever wants to come. We are about 2 blocks from the rally park. This event is flexible so speak up if someone has a better idea.

I know some of these names are not spelled correctly. I copied them from the reservation printout without changes.

In the rally lot:
Bradford, Jamie
Bunch, Bill
Foster, Roger
Keller, Jim
Petree, Pete
Winchester, Jerry

On an RV pad somewhere in TGO:
Anderson, Mike
Chilcote, Tom
Dator, William
DeSilva, Richard
Finch, John
Gaidry, Tuga
Hann, Allan
Harris, Bruce
Horner, Paul
Jones, Larry
Lane, Jim
Lewis-Mathieu, Buck
Neff, Alan
Roberston, Ken (2 spots)
Smith, Dan
Tracey, Granvil