I want to install a demuidifier in the bus to prevent mildew. I'm in Sarastoa, FL and the humidity is a killer in the summer. I put a household unit in the shower to test temporairly and it collected two gallons in 24 hours and that's with the weather turning nicer now. The problem was that it throws off a sufficient amount of heat that feels like a space heater is on when you walk in. Probabley better to have no moisture and take the heat as it's only when the bus is no in use. There is a marine dehumidifier I found on craig's list here that sells for almost $500 new that's $250 used which is about $100 more than a brand new LG home unit and I think the difference between these units and the homeowener dehumidifiers is less heat due to a different way to draw the air out. There also smaller since they have no resevoir to collect water but rather you need a drain for it to constantley dribble out of.