
We have different electrical systems so take the following with a grain of salt until you have checked it out.

Step one, lube the pin that slides into the handle to lock it with a suitable oil or grease. I have used white lithium grease, WD40, and silicone spray. Using the key you should be able to feel less drag when locking or unlocking after the pins are lubed up.

On my 24 volt Liberty I have two octagonal base relays that handle the load of the lock / unlock solenoids and if the contacts get dirty and it imposes resitance in the circuit the locks will not function. They are very sensitive to low voltage. (Obviously make sure you had good voltage because low house voltage will also cause this problem) Start with lubing, but if that doesn't work have Janice actuate the bay lock switch off and on while you locate the two relays that are switching. You will see and hear them switching. On my coach they are located on the forward wall where the circuit breakers are located, about halfway up and to the center of the coach.

I got the replacements at a WW Grainger, but any industrial supply house should have them because they are generic. Yours are likely to have a 12V coil.