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Thread: Welcome

  1. #1
    Joe Cannarozzi Guest

    Default Welcome

    Mr or Mrs.LSANDRIN, I just noticed you joining and that you are from Italy! I sent you a Private message and I tell you that because sometimes they are hard to spot so open it up

    Well, let me be the first to tell you how happy we are you found us

    For that matter hello and welcome to all the new folks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Nichols Hills


    Good catch Joe. Livio and Pauline Sandrine are the couple that bought my '92 and they have been traveling all over South Texas this summer. They are getting Prevost savy in a hurry and I had a chance to visit with them yesterday at their RV spot here in Houston.

    We hope to see more of them when they return to the US after the first of the year. Pauline has been reading a lot of the posts from this board and told me yesterday that she thought the Trukman, Loc and Mel Torme seemed to have a case of JDUB envy and have resorted rather harsh tactics to cast me in a negative light.

    She also said, 1) Wings belong on the bottom of the plane, 2) PMS 166 is the color of the future, 3) Fat Beagles could cause battery and tire problems and 4) Lew needs to eat more pork.

  3. #3
    Joe Cannarozzi Guest


    I'll be darn. Hope those older rivits are serving them well

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    I can see that boys that go to Indian Reservation Schools who steal their names from the Buckeyes and their colors from the Volunteers need to practice their translations from Italian to Texan.

    PMS166 is a drug to control hot flashes, good aeronautical design places the wings on top, just like in nature, that beagle translation should read XLII shells have their skin fall off and the only thing left is the tires and battery, and Lew likes pasta. I believe the above is the correct meaning.

    Of course the translation from Italian to Texan may have been perfect, but it it is the translation from Texan to English that might not have come out OK.

    I have no idea why all our other Texan members have no problems with communications.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Wow, you take a short break from the website and Taco Boy flies another sortie. The SPCA is going to put some type of Crimestoppers reward out on him for cruelty to Beagles. As for Truk, Ted and me, I think I can safely speak for the group that JDUB doesn't need any help with casting a negative light on himself as he does well enough without our help. Jon, it is probably the translation from Italian to Okie then to English that gets Dubster hung up.

    Livio and Pauline are the most delightful people. We had a chance to get to know them this summer while spending a few weekends at a campground on the north side of Houston. They have two grown children that live in the states and have been motorhoming in the states for part of the year for many years. They lived in the Northeast for many many years before moving back to Italy. We hope to see them again next weekend before they head back home.

    Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Nichols Hills


    Loc / Jon............

    bite me.jpg

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    Hey, Loc....I see Jerry got a speech coach. He appears to have the billboard correct.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2006


    He purposely cut off the last letter, the sign actually said, " Bite Mel.".

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