Quote Originally Posted by flyu2there View Post
Few tips, may or may not be sage advice.........but I have purchased several of these things and have found....

1. Set a budget and stick to it...period!! Done!

2. Jon is correct, it is an emotional buy therefore you are already vulnerable when you show up to look at a bus. My suggestion here is to have whoever, dealer, owner, converter send you all of the information and photo's on any bus that you may be interested in so you can eliminate as many coaches a possible, in the comfort of your own living room. Try to get it down to two or three likely candidates. Done.

3. Try to find a coach that has belonged to someone who has been finatical about its care and feeding ...you can spot them easily. Dealers/converters know this and they will polish the thing up, shampoo the carpets and steam the engine but...look for things like worn out foam in the drivers seat. Dabbles of touch up paint everywhere, pitted windshield glass, Chinese Tires Reasons for the trip!

3. Get all your insurance/registration homework completed before even thinking about a shopping trip, avoid surprises. Thank you for this one. Hadn't done it before now. Had figured to do it after this "shopping" trip and before the purchase trip. I guess there could be effects on the candidate coach list. Will do.

4. Try to find your way towards the top of the food chain, you need to deal with the person who can make a decision, not a salesman who is looking for a 25k plus commission out of you! Good point!

5. Although others may argue with this, cash is still king. There is something about a cash buyer that tells the seller that he has a sale, and now! With that there comes an increased flexibility in pricing...the old bird in the hand thing! Agreed and another good point.

Thank you for the info. Added into the plan.