Quote Originally Posted by Will Garner View Post

First, let me say that I regret you seem to be having repetitive problems with your AFO Supplemental Braking system.

Second, I must also say that I have had excellent response to my communications with Peter Schenk, owner of SMI. In fact, we had told him of a possibility of being through Evansville in late June or early July. Our travel plans changed to where we would not have been going through Evansville. On the morning we were eastbound leaving Kansas City Peter called me to find out when he could expect me to be in Evansville for him to check my AFO installation and if necessary, install a new unit. We revised our travel plans to go to Evansville and have Peter check our unit. Turned out the unit was fine and I did not need a replacement. I did however inquire as to why I was killing batteries in my towed vehicle. Well when the towed brake pedal is pulled down by the AFO unit to apply towed vehicle brakes, my towed's factory brake lights come on also. Peter devised a cutout relay that takes the factory brake lights out of the equation when the AFO is active. No further problem with the battery. This modification was performed at no cost.

So finally let me say that communication is a two way street. It might be more beneficial to you and other POG members, to simply pick up your phone and give Peter a call. Here is their 800 number from their website which has a link directly from the POG opening page.


Now for a little background information. Prior to purchasing a towed braking system I posted a question on the POG forum about towed braking systems. I did not care to have another device to install and remove from the towed vehicle. Yes, I researched M&G but they do/did not make a unit for my towed vehicle. They say there is no room under my towed's hood for their unit. I got feedback from Lew and he had an AFO in a Saturn towed with which he was satisfied. Now Lew just does not go spreading Lewbucks everywhere so I thought maybe there is something I can get done with an AFO unit. I got in touch with Peter before the Sevierville Rally and he was willing to come to the rally to do my installation and use my installation as a seminar for the rally. It was not his intention to sell everyone a system since he only brought two with him. He had to get other units shipped in to meet the numerous POG member requests for installations on their towed vehicles.

I think you said earlier that a Prevost shop did the upgrade following the first failure. If the location of the installation was a problem it seems to me as if they could have moved the unit with little effort and there would be no need for this discussion.

Again, I regret you are having this problem, I am joyous that there was not a safety consequence, and I am certain that Peter Schenk will stand behind his product.

I do hope you get a permanent fix for your problem this time around.
I like you am sure that Peter will stand behind his system, and in no way feel that he will not.

I have emailed Peter all the necessary info to start his investigation and hope that he has a plan for a better install.

As for Prevost Jacksonville, they simply reinstalled the old part back onto the tank etc. They did move the valve and lines away from the driveshaft well so it would not come in contact with the shaft, but in no way did they re-engineer the install or get any direction from Peter (to the best of my knowledge) on what was needed to make the repair. It was done as a courtesy to me and to help get me back on the road.

I think it is great to have a strong working relationship with Peter, and am still pleased that we were introduced to Peter and his product, but all of this does change the fact that the system needs major improvements to be worthy of an install on our buses.

I plan on sticking it out with Peter in hopes that we can all have the kind of result we had expected in the first place.

I am sure that Peter will keep all of us informed on his plans.

As I have stated in our responses, my bus is like yours, but possibly I have been out there using it more than some, not sure, just feel that if each of you are not fully aware than the end result might not be the correct one.