Ok, I know there are a lot of folks gonna think I am crazy. I want to take the bed out of the back of the bus. I want to be very careful when I take it out as I will plan on putting it back in if and when I ever sell bus.

My wife and I like the idea of havinga sofa' in the back as well as a recliner- facing each other. The sofa we found folds into a bed and has theater style sofa with leg exten.'s. Have measure for both and seems like they will work provided I keep the length at 72 inches or less on the coach.

It looks to be a pretty easy job. However, I know that it is probably not. I see the matress and head board can be taken out in matter of minutes. There is a swing style board that lifts up and looks like it can be unscrewed.
Now I have not taken anything apart yet- but it looks like it is the unknown from here on out. I do see some type of vent for air or heat that is coming out of the base of the bed. So, not certain about this issue. Would simply have new carpet put back down in this area.

Many love the bed in the back. We kind of like the idea of hanging out in the back though on long trips and the kids have a nice area to play video games and such.

Is this job possible withouth breaking the bank? I have a carpenter friend who is very good at what he does- maybe have him take a look.

Anyone have any ideas (other than trying to talk me out of it)...?


1990 Country Coach Prevost