I think Tom's post brings up some great questions, and rather than hijack that thread, I wanted to expand here.

As we've all done, there are times we don't necessarily need (or want) to pay for an RV park for a simple overnight stay. So far in my own personal experience I've only used either a truck stop or a freeway rest stop for a quick overnight parking.

I have considered doing the Walmart parking, but have yet to avail myself. I'm wondering about what others use for quick overnight parking.

I think part of my reasons for not parking at Walmart (or equiv) is twofold:

1. Generally I like to only drive about 6 hours per day. I'd rather get on the road early (maybe 8AM), and then be heading in for the night into a place by 3PM or so. Although I will do it, I'm not fond of driving at night, especially in unfamiliar areas. I don't quite feel right about pulling up on a Walmart parking lot a 3PM, and staying the night. Wrong? Right?

2. I am concerned about being "bothered" while at these freebie locations. Whether it's a visit from the local cops, or undesirables, it's been a concern of mine.

Judging from your responses in Tom's thread, it seems like a lot of you have used various locations for one-nighters. Let's hear more.

One thing I've considered is using business areas, and parking in their lots? Around here we've got a ton of small business parks, that by 7PM, their lots are empty, and will remain that way until at least 8AM. Anyone ever pull up in a small business park? Would you get hassled by cops?

How about finding a residential neighborhood, and parking in a residential street?

I have no problem paying $20 per night, at locations like Tom mentioned too, and at this point would probably prefer that. But, I've been known to spend $40-$50 to park at some places for just an overnight. Makes cross country trips more expensive than they probably need be.

Anyway, I'm hoping this might trigger a discussion on this type of parking.
