Not that long ago, it was Tom and Nancy in Big Red, the resplendent Marathon and Jeff n Helen in Florida, partying, having a wonderful time, enjoying their rivets and stainless. POG had all of about 25 members and we thought, we dreamt, somehow, someday, we might see about 50 members someday.

Yes, it was our dream, as it was in those days, that regular people who had an interest in Prevost campers would have a place to come, learn about their campers, work on them, understand them better and enjoy a sense of community and friendship amongst each other.

Fast forward to this evening.

The Resinmobileman and I sat together, our wives alone back at their respective homes, sharing a single TV dinner together in the Resinmobileman's coach, such as it is, in Branson. I don't have any rivets to sleep in tonight and Big Red, sadly has gone to Alabama, to be outfitted with a PTO for a sawmill, or some other use.

How did all of this happen?

Why did all of this happen?

So, in the dim, fading light of evening as we completed out frozen dinners, watching the Military Channel, talking about the old days as now aging soldiers, forgotten glories of the past and dreams that will not now come true.

Guess it must just be the fate of the oncoming years to accept that which has been provided and not wonder...what if?

Tomorrow, we have no plans except to go out and look at the beautiful coaches rolling into POG IV in this nice campground in the bright sun and perhaps help with parking assignments and remember the days gone by...