In the spirit of providing behind-the-scenes and events on the forefront. Here is what is going on.

We have been in touch with Prevost Car. The following is provided without any editorial commentary on my part (hopefully).

Prevost Car is now recognizing that POG, along with Bus n Bikers and other groups represent the spectrum of Prevost owners. They want to juice up new shell sales. They are discussing, with some converters, a Prevost Car-sponsored rally commemorating the 400th founding of Quebec, July 7-11 next summer at Quebec City. They have a committee established with a hired rally-master. Unlike previous rallies, Prevost would be in charge of the registration, fees, program and so on. There would be only one evening when individual clubs would have their own time together. The rest of the event would be controlled by Prevost.

Prevost is insistent that the rally fee for this event would be $1000-1500 per coach. At this juncture, there is no schedule on the boards, except that there would be a dinner at some point bringing all the clubs together.

Unlike some of the other groups, POG operates differently. There is no 'President' or organizational structure. So, decisions are made by each of you as to interest level, involvement level and so on.

It is quickly coming to the point where we have to begin to respond to their proposals in some fashion so it's time to post your ideas based on the information which I have just provided.

I'll check in from time to time and answer questions if I can as more information becomes available. As noted, I have my own thoughts about this but have decided to (for once) to keep my mouth shut and fingers from babbling on, since your thoughts may be far different than mine.

So here is your chance to comment freely about the intentions of such a rally in order for us to better communicate with the shell-builder.

Thanks so much.