In the last couple of months, we've helped here and there on bus deals as a POG service.

What we are finding is there are a limited number of banks who are willing to participate in Montana LLC financing, as compared to just a year ago. There are a number of factors, it seems, behind the scenes.

Several states, notably California, are beginning to crack down on California residents who have Montana registrations. This follows a case in Oregon where someone fraudulently registered a coach there and they got smacked down hard (I believe the fine was $100K including the tax, penalties and interest).

Due to a number of foreclosures on coaches, lenders have been loathe to write extended paper with Montana registration as their recourse is to the LLC, not to the individual...albeit many of these deals have personal guarantees.

Some insurors are starting to rumble about the Montana registrations as well.

So, this is really just a report from the trenches at this point. It is too early to figure out if this is the beginning of a trend or a blip on the screen.

It may have all started when truck4u sold his Marathon and MM and truck went plastic as well. Tough to track these things completely. Try to keep all informed as we hear stuff.