In another post,
Quote Originally Posted by Jon Wehrenberg View Post
We heard Branson in the first week of October. Guys and gals that ain't going to happen unless someone or several raise their hands and volunteers to make it happen. Since this is an organization without an organization it calls for someone or maybe two or three or four someones to express a willingness to coordinate another rally.
I have already started some communications with people in the know about where we could hold our next rally, POG IV.

I have layed down some thoughts about what this groups likes, wants, and needs are from my perspective, yes a NEWBIE POGer wanna-be, and I just hope I can come up with some suggestions for the next site.

Finding a place suitable to hold another rally of our size or bigger isn't going to be easy. Most of us think we know what went into making this rally successful, but it is only going to get harder from here on out to put this thing together. Buckhorn RV Lake Resort has SPOILED everyone. Just remember you HEARD IT HERE FIRST !

I should have some suggestion sites by next week for a group or POG IV Committee to consider as the next possible Rally Site.