Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston
Thanks for Posting Loc, I wouldn't miss it.
Thats right at the threshold for my project to finish here in New Orleans!
Ahhhhhh I hope i can make it..Corpus Christi is my home,,,
Will have a better idea around 4/23/22'ish
Sounds like a fantastic event!
You have to be there. You are part of the braintrust that came up with the idea for this impending disaster.
I hope you can make it.
Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston
One month away!
Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston
We had a great turnout yesterday for our First Somewhat Frequent Busapalooza. In total we had 8 buses show up plus 3 owners without buses for a total of 31 people. Thanks to everyone who made it and thanks to Corey Saxe for getting the whole thing started.
Last edited by Loc; 05-01-2022 at 11:00 AM.
Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston
A few more pictures
Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston
A special thank you to Rudy Leggett. He had to be the most sought after attendee at Busapalooza for his Webasto and Aquahot expertise. He even worked on several buses while there. If you don't know Rudy, then you are missing out. Thanks to Rudy and his bride Carolyn for taking the time to join us.
Loc - 2008 Marathon XLII - Houston