How life is taking over
My plan was to take the bus together with a friend to Dawson City in the Yukon in the beginning of September
Now my father had a fall in Germany and is in the hospital
He is turning 90 in September
My Step mother has now quite severe dementia and it is over for the guys to live alone in there condo in Germany
I have to fly over and do all the arrangements to find an assisted care facility, selling there real estate etc…
Adios nice trip to Dawson
I will run out of time
here we go …
it’s just a different movie to take care of a 40 feet 17 ton Motorhome
All the years with the classic cars no problem
Into the garage lock the door and end of story
A coach like that it’s more a complete lifestyle change
I love the bus but I am not the guy who leave something like that outside in the open in the winter time etc
I just have from my circumstances not the time to take proper care of it
I looked years ago at a property here in Victoria on a lake with a very huge garage and I thought what can I do with it ?
Honestly with a time machine I would go back and buy the place now
I would love to bring the Prevost to a home like that and drive him into the garage
Cheers Detlef