What should I expect to pay for a relatively good quality paint job on a 40 foot coach? Not looking for anything that fancy.
Can you recommend any paint shops (preferably in the northeast)?
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What should I expect to pay for a relatively good quality paint job on a 40 foot coach? Not looking for anything that fancy.
Can you recommend any paint shops (preferably in the northeast)?
That is a tough question to answer.
Type of paint
Quote difference from 1 shop to another for the same job could be huge.
You really need to do your homework on this one some extra leg work might save you thousands.
AJ, I think if you are still looking for a coach, and are thinking of spending $10,000 to $20,000 for a new paint job you might need to keep looking.
I hope this does no sound like I am against a great looking coach, but on any coach purchase it is probable you will find it necessary to make repairs or upgrades to the coach or systems. For you to enjoy a coach it needs to be mechanically sound and reliable.
Try to buy a coach that is mechanically as perfect as possible, or spend the money initially on trying to get it reliable. After you know you will keep the coach, and all other things are addressed, then get a paint job if it needs it. On an older coach, there is nothing you can spend money on including paint that will be returned 100% when you sell it, and in some cases there may be a zero return on the invested capital.
Harry (win42) had his first coach repainted about a year ago. He mentioned it in another thread here (could probably find it in the search function). As I remember, he got a darn nice paint job for just over $10k.
I've also heard of people paying 30+
I believe Brian said his Paint Job was around 12k but the Company was working a deal for four caches at that price. A reliable firm would be upward in the $20,000 plus from what I have read. I believe Harry paid $14000.00 Plus for his paint job.
AJ, Find a design you like from another coach on the web. You can choose your own colors. Mail it to them and get a quote. Or call Coach Specialties @ 510-749-1398 Talk to Don. hey are located @ 2301 Monarch St. Alameda, CA 94501. We were very happy with the job they did. The have been in the Coach re-building and painting business a long time. They have a very large modern facility courtesy the USN.
I recently purchased a 1999 45' Marathon from the factory. Along with a long list of projects, we asked to have the coach repainted exactly the way it was originally. Marathon is removing all stripping, (simple stripping pattern) sand plasting it off the stainless, redoing the cap, some crazing, repainting the aluminum top sides, a few popped rivets, clear coats, adding new fiberglass fenders, painted to match, polishing the stainless for just a little over $20K, and it was stated that I got a discount as part of my purchase and other work. A really good job can be expensive, and to get your monies worth I think you want to have it done by a reliable paint shop who has experience with stainless prep, and aluminum prep, and high quality paints. I have dealt with aircraft painting, and consider this in the same league.
Bruce, I'm really surprised that it would need a paint job. I could see a detail job but a whole paint job
redo. For that year of coach that hasn't been used very much. Does it look like it sat outside most of
the time?
I think Loc got his coach painted in the $15K range, but the General Manager of Prevost Ft. Worth said they recently had to have an XL2 repainted and the bill was $49K. But he said that had a lifetime warranty, so if you live long enough, it might work out.
Bill and Jody should chime in as they just had theirs painted in Ohio.
I have waited one month for Bill to post his before and after photos of his newly painted bus. He has drug his feet to long, so here they are.
Hi Dale. I believe the picture was posted before.
Hello Dale,
The coach had a rather unique ( but straight forward) color scheme.During the original building of the coach at the factory, they were using a Sikkens paint product that required a certain amount of curing time. We have a rather large stripe at the top of the stainless that runs around the coach, Navy Blue, with yellow in the middle and silver on up to the aluminum. There were a few places along this stripe line that the paint was pealing, straight down to the stainless. I do not think the surface was prepped properly. Anyway, to get this right, we needed to blast off all of the striping and start over. We like the stripe. During this process we also noticed a small split at the top of the rear cap near the exhaust for the generator, ( the owner wanted his exhaust vented in the rear out of the top of the coach, and through the engine compartment) and some popped rivets ( we have an observation deck on top, I think it causes a force against the roof) on the top of the coach. We also wanted to change out the fenders to fiberglass and paint them to match. So one thing went on to another, and we decided to go all the way.I am adetail nut, and probably went overboard. As for the coach sitting out. I suspect it did from time to time, especially when it was at Marathon. It was left there a lot by the owners driver when the owner was back in Europe. The paint looked good from the get go, but I wanted it to look like new. It's at a stainless buffing and waxing shop in Coburg now getting this done. The owner of the shop asked me today if he can put it on his website. he says it looks brand new. I hope he is right? Bruce
wow dale. nice pics!
where'd you get those, anyway?
and gary, thanks for defending me. :-)
Bill, Jan took the top one in SD this summer and I stole, I mean borrowed the bottom one from Debi's Farm POG highlights.
Just in case you missed it, http://picasaweb.google.com/castleri...ey=LTqJ26O3pKA
Bruce, could you post the name and contact info for the polishing shop in Coberg? Is this the same guys that do all of Marathons polishing on there new buses?
Hello Kevin,
I suspect so. Chris Welch is head of Marathon's paint department and has been guiding me through the process. He told me on Thursday that he was taking the coach to the Buffing & Waxing shop in town, off premise location. He says this is the only company they use.
Chris Welch
Paint Division Manager / Assistant Service Manager
Marathon Coach Inc.
91333 Coburg Industrial Way
Coburg, Oregon 97408-9432
Toll Free-(800) 234-9991
Business-(541) 343-9991
Mobile-(541) 228-6599
Fax- (541) 345-0557
Bruce, thanks, I might have to make a trip to have my bus polished.
How much do they charge to polish the s.s.?
I remember a figure of about $2200.00 Tuga. I believe its a 4-5 day job depending on the amount of Stainless. I think Harry was the one who mentioned the price.
Thanks Gary,
How long does a polish job usually last?
What do you have to do to keep it up?
When I do my rims they only last about 3 months. It would seem that the sides of the coach would last about a year or so.
Well the rims are polished aluminum and a pain to keep up. The Stainless Steel probably will last quite a while as long as it's maintained. If you Store a Coach inside I'm sure a polish will last a very long time.
Good morning Kevin & Merle,
The quick answer is too much for the stainless. I was given two quotes, and remembered the first, $2200, but when it came down to crunch time, the #'s went up by nearly 100%. The $2200 did not include the wheels, hub caps or the rub rail, (I did not even know what a rub rail was at the time), but do now. Admittedly we do have more stainless then some coaches, as our piant scheme does not run down below the Aluminum of the coach. Anyway the whole bill including marathon's profit came to $4K including a complete wax job of the entire coach. Once they are done this coming week they said that the Buffing shop was going to post the pictures on his website. Once he has I'll post them. They also offered,(I resisted ) to strip the windshield washer arms and polish them. It all sounded nive, but I had come to the end of my financial threshold, and never asked for a price. I did ask though to have my Bus Armor cleaned and waxed, and they said that they do not do this.I wanted to get the slight clouding (like some headlights get) buffed out and the amor waxed. I thought that the use of a mild compounding and a few coats of wax would bring it back as it looks like new otherwise, any thoughts on this. Bruce
I have had some polish work done in So. Cal and it never looks as good as a new bus. I am thinking about taking my new to me bus up to there guy but maybe I can go direct to save a little cash. I will wait to see if you can get the name and contact info for the polish shop.
The price sounds a little high but it's not, I just had my wheels done, with the tires off. I had both sides polished to remove the pitting and the 6 cost $600,00 and wheels are much easier than stainless!
I will get the name and forward it along with the pics. I am hoping to pickup my coach around the 15th of Jan in Coburg. They are letting me use one of their RV sites at the Outdoor Resorts location nearby until I work out the bugs and get a better understanding of the coach, this might take all winter, but after we are good to go, we are going to head south then turn back north on I 10 at some point.
I am looking to match my paint, does anyone know what brand of Paint Country Coach used in 1992?
I'm not sure 'matching' is necessary or smart. With the significant age of your coach there's going to be lots of different shading. A better approach would simply let a good paint shop match what you have and mix up some paint for you. A very common process for any good paint shop.
Yes, I know. I still am interested in the brand they used in 1992.
Ok so i am getting close here to figuring out my Bus paint. From what i have found out my Bus was painted at Prevost with Indian Silver Metallic then sent to Country Coach for the rest of the paint. Harbor Freight has a 9.99 spray gun i am going to purchase to run some tests. I have some areas along the roofline i am going to reshoot then the clearcoat.
Anxious to hear how you do this and how it goes. I am not a painter but I also have paint issues on the roof that need to be taken care of.
I bought 5 of these, i plan to have a modified version for primer, and one each basecoat and clearcoat.
Today my prep work has started. Since I have to touch up the back wall, i am removing the roof coating back away so it can't be seen from the ground. I am not a fan of seeing the white roof coating at ground level
As you can see circled in red I have clearcoat burning off.
Regarding your roof, a while back I had the same issue with my roof coating being tired and worn out, simply needed to be redone. A hard scrub, some focused sealing tasks, and a complete coat of TropiCool did wonders. Now I can eat off of it. No more chalky residue down the sides when it gets wet.
That looks great Joe! I did my roof 2 years ago also holding up well.
Alright, we are getting close to laying some paint on. Body work is just about complete, There are 6 colors impacted with the body work i have in progress so far.
Wow, this bus was lucky to find you!
Paint Work is progressing. Starting at the back and working my way forward.
You do good work Mike, cant wait to see the finished product.
Thank you. Back Cap is finished with Body work and Initial Basecoat/Clearcoat.