Thanks Gary,
How long does a polish job usually last?
What do you have to do to keep it up?
When I do my rims they only last about 3 months. It would seem that the sides of the coach would last about a year or so.
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Thanks Gary,
How long does a polish job usually last?
What do you have to do to keep it up?
When I do my rims they only last about 3 months. It would seem that the sides of the coach would last about a year or so.
Well the rims are polished aluminum and a pain to keep up. The Stainless Steel probably will last quite a while as long as it's maintained. If you Store a Coach inside I'm sure a polish will last a very long time.
Good morning Kevin & Merle,
The quick answer is too much for the stainless. I was given two quotes, and remembered the first, $2200, but when it came down to crunch time, the #'s went up by nearly 100%. The $2200 did not include the wheels, hub caps or the rub rail, (I did not even know what a rub rail was at the time), but do now. Admittedly we do have more stainless then some coaches, as our piant scheme does not run down below the Aluminum of the coach. Anyway the whole bill including marathon's profit came to $4K including a complete wax job of the entire coach. Once they are done this coming week they said that the Buffing shop was going to post the pictures on his website. Once he has I'll post them. They also offered,(I resisted ) to strip the windshield washer arms and polish them. It all sounded nive, but I had come to the end of my financial threshold, and never asked for a price. I did ask though to have my Bus Armor cleaned and waxed, and they said that they do not do this.I wanted to get the slight clouding (like some headlights get) buffed out and the amor waxed. I thought that the use of a mild compounding and a few coats of wax would bring it back as it looks like new otherwise, any thoughts on this. Bruce
I have had some polish work done in So. Cal and it never looks as good as a new bus. I am thinking about taking my new to me bus up to there guy but maybe I can go direct to save a little cash. I will wait to see if you can get the name and contact info for the polish shop.
The price sounds a little high but it's not, I just had my wheels done, with the tires off. I had both sides polished to remove the pitting and the 6 cost $600,00 and wheels are much easier than stainless!
I will get the name and forward it along with the pics. I am hoping to pickup my coach around the 15th of Jan in Coburg. They are letting me use one of their RV sites at the Outdoor Resorts location nearby until I work out the bugs and get a better understanding of the coach, this might take all winter, but after we are good to go, we are going to head south then turn back north on I 10 at some point.
I am looking to match my paint, does anyone know what brand of Paint Country Coach used in 1992?
I'm not sure 'matching' is necessary or smart. With the significant age of your coach there's going to be lots of different shading. A better approach would simply let a good paint shop match what you have and mix up some paint for you. A very common process for any good paint shop.
Yes, I know. I still am interested in the brand they used in 1992.
Ok so i am getting close here to figuring out my Bus paint. From what i have found out my Bus was painted at Prevost with Indian Silver Metallic then sent to Country Coach for the rest of the paint. Harbor Freight has a 9.99 spray gun i am going to purchase to run some tests. I have some areas along the roofline i am going to reshoot then the clearcoat.
Anxious to hear how you do this and how it goes. I am not a painter but I also have paint issues on the roof that need to be taken care of.