Had to make these. What R they 4.Attachment 11370Attachment 11371
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Had to make these. What R they 4.Attachment 11370Attachment 11371
The block is to hold something up. The other is a walking cane in case the the block fails.
The block is a seal driver for the pinion seal. That would be the front seal of the rear end. To repair a leak like that U need to drop the driveshaft and remove the pinion nut and pull off that yoke the pinion nut is holding in place. The other tool is a yoke bar. When U reinstall the yoke that nut holding it in the spline of the pinion gear has to be TIGHT. Real tight. If u just stick a 1in impact up there without using a yoke bar what u r doing is rapping the pinion gear against the ring gear and that aint no good. The yoke bar prevents damage to the ring and pinion when fixing a leaky rear end. (Only very good mechanics will take this step ;)) If u have ever tried to replace a seal by tapping it with other type implements the chance of frustration exzists due to the way the opposite end u r tapping wants to keep popping out. Any time u r putting a seal a block at lease as big as the entire seal is the ticket 1 good wack and its in and started. This driver needed to be a block because the spline of the pinion sticks out this far past the seat for that seal.Attachment 11377Attachment 11378Attachment 11379
I'm always impressed with the methods and special tools you use to get the job done. BTW, there's grease under your fingernail in the one photo. How did that happen ;-)
Anyone that doesn't learn a thing or two from Joe just isn't listening.
Joe, Are you doing this job on the Railroad Right Of Way ?
No my current location is paved in common bricks. All free compliments of previous demolition jobs all over New York City over the past few decades. First U get paid to take them to the dump. Then U save the tipping fees by taking them home instead. Then U save again by not having to buy concrete. I estimate 2 miles of road 3 lanes wide on this farm plus a few courtyards all paved in brick. A very nice place too work.