Country Coach control board Needed ....
I dropped my coach off at Prevost Mira Loma last week to have air conditioning checked before I head out on a couple of different trips. At that time I was there I asked that they also check the jake brake.
They found a control board issue which prevents the OTR air from working when the key is turned on. While checking back in the engine area for the jake, they noticed some sparking of wires, and brake lines that were almost worn through from these wires (why this wasn't caught on an inspection last January is another mystery).
Anyway, I've been out of town, getting partial reports from the service people, and today I learn that the main control board, the one which controls jake brake, cruise control transmission etc, may be in needed of repair/replacement, however CC doesn't have any of these boards. It's probably going to be remove my board, and send it back for repair. In the meantime, I'm scheduled out this Saturday for 1 week, back one week, and then gone for 8. Not much time in there to pull out a control board, and not have a moving bus.
On to my question. Does anyone have a spare Country Coach control board, the one which controls jake etc? This is a 93 Vintage CC. I'd be happy to purchase one, purchase now-replace later, whatever might work. I'm just concerned that weeks of planning that cannot be easily changed might be in jeapardy.
Unfortunately, I don't know the number of the board but will tomorrow when I go out to Prevost in the morning.
I hope someone here may be able to help out.
Thanks in advance,