View Full Version : A little Gardening
Joe Cannarozzi
03-25-2007, 02:26 PM
Spring has deffinatly arrived in Chicago. Been out working in the yard all day.
Anybody else have gardens they enjoy.
The one thing about home ownership I actually enjoy.
This is just like the bus for me.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-25-2007, 03:45 PM
We need to swap gardening tips. I already have my peas, radishes and lettuce out of the ground. Next weekend I think the tomatoes, beans, peppers, cukes, beets, and some herbs will be going in.
We eat what we grow and try to can tomatoes, beets, carrots, etc.
We have enough black and red rasberries so Di froze enough for about 30 pies last year.
I hate to travel in the summer because of our garden.
03-25-2007, 08:54 PM
Jon and Joe, I too like to garden. Now not near as big as they used to be. Just tomatoes and raspberries. I really enjoy a good tomato and you just can't get them in a store!! (HOT TIP) When we were into breeding and raising Alpacas I had plenty of their manure and Man Was It Good for gardening! Very rich and improved the soil right away, wasn't too hot so you did't have to compost it. If you find any in your area Go For It.
I find more enjoyment in flower gardening so have gone over to that. Vegetable gardening is too much work (if you are not at it all the time, the weeds take over ). Maybe now that I'm retired I could get back into it, but I doubt it, I want to get out of here and fulltime except for summers at Chautauqua,NY.
Joe, You made the announcement you were moving to TN. It sounded like, VERY SOON. What happened? Maybe your gardening is for curb appeal to sell the house?? Do you guys wear gloves? :eek: Just Kidding.:DJIM
PS I have about ten big dump truck loads of horse manure from winter(FREE FOR THE TAKING)
Joe Cannarozzi
03-25-2007, 09:14 PM
Yes Jim Its that Curb Appeal Thing.
We are digging out ALL our perenials by half and moving them to a temporary location at her sisters house so we can take them with us when we find that new spot in Tenn.. Mabye 60 or 70 plantings.
Critters screw up attempts at vegetable gardens, but ditto the tomatoe comment.
Would you belive that in this day and age, right here in Chicago, 10 min. from our home there is still a farm stand that practices the Honor System! He leaves out bags of fresh tomatoes With the price on the bag and you deposit the loot in a slot in a little wood box:)
03-25-2007, 09:37 PM
Joe Cannarozzi;Yes Jim Its that Curb Appeal Thing.
We are digging out ALL our perennials by half and moving them to a temporary location at her sisters house so we can take them with us when we find that new spot in Tenn.. Maybe 60 or 70 plantings.
Critters screw up attempts at vegetable gardens, but ditto the tomato comment.
Would you belive that in this day and age, right here in Chicago, 10 min. from our home there is still a farm stand that practices the Honor System! He leaves out bags of fresh tomatoes With the price on the bag and you deposit the loot in a slot in a little wood box:)
That's quite a thing for Chi Town. It's common around here. We have many Deer that eat everything, even the landscaping shrubs! We live 50 miles from Cleveland and every few tears there are Black Bear sightings, even in this day and age. I just read in the Farm and Dairy news paper that there is an urban Coyote problem in Chicago. They sure are adaptive. Barb has chickens and ducks that free range during the day. Fox, Coyote, Hawks,and Coon get them every now an then. We're not replacing them anymore. :p :eek:;) JIM
03-26-2007, 12:17 AM
At Mango's we take our gardening seriously.
03-26-2007, 08:03 AM
Boy Mike, you sure don't fool around! To share a tip per Jon's suggestion. Don't let the weeds grow so large and you won't need the heavy equipment for removal! Oh by the way, what fertilizer were you using? :D :eek: JIM
03-26-2007, 11:41 AM
Hi Jim,
We're planting again this year the first week in May so we look good for Mom's day.
We use Miracle Gro at least 2x a week.
Plus we plant over a 100 tropicals.
03-26-2007, 02:04 PM
Mango: Are; those guys Boots and Coots staff?
03-26-2007, 02:30 PM
Yes in fact they are Fast Roger.
Senior Board members on a work/trade arrangement with Mango Mike's.
Joe Cannarozzi
03-26-2007, 05:18 PM
Twice a week with Rapid Grow. Wo. We do it once a week with the stuff.
Things must really get lush in a hurry.
To be safe we really can't put the annuals in till the end of April.
03-26-2007, 06:31 PM
Mike,you sure have the right attitude about gardening. Hire out! That way your high rate of fertilization has no affect on your back!! :D :D JIM
03-26-2007, 10:44 PM
RAPID GROW TWICE A WEEK. Cripes sake, that's just putting the plants on steroids. Jeeeze !!!
Joe Cannarozzi
03-27-2007, 06:26 AM
Ya gotta give credit where credit is due.
The product works well.
How about it Jon, or do you use natural furtilizer;)
03-27-2007, 09:11 AM
You should see Jon out in the garden naturally fertilizing the area every evening. He could have Anaconda Man do it once a week and that would be sufficient.
Jon Wehrenberg
03-27-2007, 07:01 PM
No chemicals. Rotted manure and lots of rotted leaves.
Joe Cannarozzi
09-03-2007, 08:36 AM
Has anyone ever had a tomato plant think it's a perennial? It's a candied tomato plant.
This started out as ONE plant 2 years ago, this is the 3rd year we have been getting tomatoes. It continues to get bigger and bigger.
About a third of it grew through the other side of the fence ,out of view. Right now it's about 8ft round by 6ft high. There's a morning glory in fierce competition with it. We decided not to prune and let them thrive in harmony. Might change the flavor of the tomato;)
It's spreading as well. We have not watered or fertilized it yet, this year. I been thinking about starting to give it weekly doses of rapid-grow. I might dig it up with some other plants when we sell.
Here is what I got this morning!
This is about the bounty, about every other day for about a month now.:cool:
Anybody want some salad tomatoes:)
Jon Wehrenberg
09-03-2007, 10:20 AM
Don't you have winter up there Joe?
I need some of those seeds. We grow indeterminate tomatoes so we get a lot through the season, but the plants never make it past the frosts unless we cover them, and when it freezes they are done.
31 quarts so far and counting. We should get at least 15 or 20 more quarts before winter.
09-03-2007, 09:47 PM
It's a darn good thing you showed the fruit of the plant. Are we all convinced.
At first I thought it was marajuana and didn't know the difference. Are you sure the small tomatoes came from those plants?
09-03-2007, 10:06 PM
Hey Lew, how can you tell how big any of the tomatoes are? There is nothing in the picture to give any scale! :p:D
Did does look like the "WEED" though. :eek:
You have 7 more days to register for Branson. We'll get your blood flowing if you show!!:)
09-04-2007, 09:53 PM
Lew is not going to Bransen. Been there, done that. Blue Grass is for hicks. It'll fit right in with the side hill campground.
If Jim Chaloupka buys a coach, I'll be there with bells on and we will have that steak dinner some schmuck offered for POG I. Chances of Chaloupka having a coach by 2010 are slim to none. If words were Lewbucks, he could have bought enough to be a 2 coach club member.
As for the weed....What do I know about weed, man. Dry it out and the poggers will think it's oregano. It'll be sprinkled on everything.
This guy can barely get around and I'd have to leave my Cardiac Rehab early. I nee all I can get. I will continue it down in Florida.
09-05-2007, 09:02 AM
Heeessss baaaaaaccckkkkk!:D
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