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View Full Version : Ozone Machines

Joe Camper
03-22-2020, 12:48 PM
If you come across a bus that's been sitting dormant outside for eight years during hot summers and that smell of old glue is very bad and you put the ozone machine in there how long should that need to go to eliminate the odor?

Also would well I'm assuming it would be preferable to reupholster all the valances along with the ceiling thats dropped, with newer and improved adhesives because if you just fix what you're seeing is broke everything else that is still glued in there will continue venting away is that right? This is a 98

On a side note there was a pretty active pogger sometime back Ed marazek from Winston-Salem (Sawdust here on pog)and he's passed away and Cindy is Widow has asked me to help her with this bus and this is one of the issues.

03-22-2020, 05:23 PM
Ozone will kill whatever is present. But if it’s still emitting fumes then the ozone will kill what’s there but the old smell
will come right back. So you have to address the problem with ozone as well.

also ozone kills rubber hoses. So be careful out running it for too long although I imagine in this case - you are just running it for a few days rather than a very very long time.

03-23-2020, 09:06 AM
I've only used my Ozone generator on my dash (driver's) air. I ran the dash air on recirc and had the Ozone generator set for 1 hour at the intake. On that small system it seemed to do well. Before I only had a very slight odor from the dash air on initial startup and now I get no odor.

Probably not the information you need for your "whole bus" problem... but that is all I can add.

03-23-2020, 05:36 PM

I have successfully used ozone many times to remove pet odors, cigarette smell, wet carpet odors, etc. in automobiles. My experience has been in cases of strong odor, multiple treatments of 24 - 48 hours is much more effective than one long session. Given enough treatments I've never dealt with an odor that couldn't be eliminated. Hope that helps.............

Joe Camper
03-23-2020, 07:56 PM
Thanks I had no clue if it would take an hr or a week

I'm going to go 1 day at a time.

I wonder if there would be a more preferable method to remount the ceiling then gluing it again? I know Marathon use real heavy duty velcro button snap things I've seen those on Entertainer coaches too. what would be the best way to attach a plexiglas ceiling it's the center portion or even change it to something else what's out there? What to do?