View Full Version : Returning POG Member... Formerly know as “ajhaig”

03-05-2020, 06:29 PM

We were previously POG members (ajhaig) and owned a Marathon XL that we traveled in “full time” with our two young children for a little over a year. It was an amazing experience and I’m getting the itch to get another coach.

When we jumped into our first coach, we knew literally nothing about camping, RVs, Prevost, Marathon, etc. We bought the thing, hitched up our Suburban to the back, and hit the road. As you can imagine we figured out pretty quickly that the learning curve is very steep.

I recall getting off the interstate highway and heading to the Powder River Pass in Wyoming, I called fellow POG member “Joe in Chicago” and asked him why the thing was so damn slow going up steep hills.

Joe patiently explained to me that getting up the hill is actually the easy part, the trick is safely getting down the other side. He went on to point out to me that we had this thing called a Jake Brake, and that we had to use this while keeping the coach in a low gear.

Joe went on to caution me to “start your descent very slowly, the decision you make at the top of the mountain is the decision that you live with at the bottom.” Just as we lost cell phone service, he added, “If you don’t use the Jake Brake, you’ll likely heat the brakes, at that point you’ll just be along for the ride.”

We definitely got our monies worth out of our POG membership that day!

I have my heart set on a non-slide Marathon XL2 with bunks. Yes, it’s a bit of a needle in a haystack, but they do exist.

03-05-2020, 06:48 PM
Welcome back. Good luck on your search.

In the meantime, enjoy the journey.