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View Full Version : Kohler Genset random code

01-30-2020, 08:23 AM
I have a 20kw Kohler genset in an 08 Marathon. I am getting a random code of HE which is supposed to mean that it is overheated. It does not appear to be overheating. Coolant levels are good. filters are clean. I can start it and it may run 5 minutes or three hours. I'm at a loss as to what to check for next. Ideas?

01-30-2020, 08:42 AM
If it's not a real, I'd suspect an intermittent short or bad control card. If it's a somewhat common problem, you might want to find a volume Kohler specific service center. They would know where to look. If it was me and I'd inspect the signal wire, security or the control card, and anything that might be subject to hitting the control card. If that is all good, I disconnect the sending unit at the control card and run it for the length of time it should error. No error, the problem is from the control card to sending unit. If it still errors the control card would suspect. Don't do this test is you aren't sure the cooling system is really working!