View Full Version : Aqua Hot
01-24-2020, 09:42 AM
When I purchased my 1998 Featherlight the Aquahot was not working. I took it to a national converter and they pretty much rebuilt the system. It would work when I was leaving the shop but not work when I got home.
About 2 months ago when I finally got into my local shop. He said that they had replaced the controller (Brain) with the newer model. He said mine being a late 90's model the brain would not work as the tolerances today are way to demanding and not forgiving. For two months now it has been working perfectly.
We took a two week trip and when I got home the Aquahot pipe spit our a lot of black soot. I am assuming this is from buildup in the pipe. I did have to flll up at loves with B-20 fuel.
Still works great...any thoughts on the black powder soot?
01-24-2020, 04:49 PM
I also had the soot from the pipe . For me it was a build up from years of accumulation . I also have a issue with heating but unlike you mine continues . Seems she heats for 2 hours or so then runs but will not burn only producing smoke white I figure is unburnt fuel . Man we have thrown many parts at this issue but it remains . any thoughts to what the issue may be are welcomed and requested . Thank you . Our coach is also a 1998 vantare :)
01-25-2020, 07:21 AM
Soot is from incomplete combustion. This can be due to inadequate air, the wiring sized nozzle, or low fuel pressure.
01-25-2020, 08:26 AM
With my unit it was quite a frustration. Starting I replaced the brain, bearings, fan motor and total service. My brain needed to be replaced, but until it was replaced with an OEM part (not the newer one) it would do the same thing. It would run and then blow the fuse. Also the nozzle put on must be the correct one. There are similar ones that at one point I had on my unit that caused the fuse to blow. My tech did put on a breaker replacing the fuse a few months ago, but after the correct brain and nozzle was put on, it has never blown.
We are in the 20 and 30 and every morning I check the coach and it s working well. I do keep my toe kickers on in the freezing weather but at a lower setting as a backup if the Aquahot fails. It was not working for so long that I still don't trust it 100%
What have you done on your unit?
01-26-2020, 12:22 PM
I read that if you run the unit a while on kerosene that it will help purge the carbon that builds up with diesel.
You also need to give it a good hard run at full heat, so do a full hookup and let the hot water run down the drain.
01-27-2020, 07:35 AM
Routine maintenance includes cleaning the burn chamber. Some may soot up from exhaust systems that are too restrictive due to the length and/or size of the exhaust pipe used.
01-27-2020, 08:42 AM
My Aquahot is on the passenger side 2nd to last bay on my XL. The exhaust pipe exits to the driver side right in front of the rear drive wheels. It does seems like it is a pretty long pipe. Thoughts on that?
01-30-2020, 07:39 AM
You might want to check the installation document for exhaust limitations.
02-06-2020, 07:01 PM
Our issure turned out to be the 180 thermostate . Easy repair . Wish I would have never taken it somewhere . I hate when a facility just throws parts at a problem ... All good now
Erika & Al
1998 Vantare
Ormond beach Fl
02-09-2020, 06:55 AM
I wonder how a temperature thermostat could affect how clean the burner performed.
Joe Camper
02-09-2020, 12:06 PM
That's easy Gill. Its installed on that wonderful Canadian P model.
I ain't had that problem
02-09-2020, 06:28 PM
My bad Gil , I read how the OP replaced some parts and I did the same chasing a issue . I did also have black smoke even after the service . That turned out to be a build up of unburnt fuel and soot in the 30' plus exhaust pipe . I still get a little smoke but I also get heat and for now in Pa that's all that matters .
Erika & Al
1998 Vantare
Ormond Beach
02-09-2020, 09:26 PM
Wow, 30 feet! That seems extreme. I hope it's a really large pipe.
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