View Full Version : Docking lights will not go off
09-28-2019, 07:53 PM
Hello all,
1998 XL by Marathon. The docking lights (2) on the passenger side will not turn off. Drivers side works fine with the rocker switch up front but not the passenger side. Marathon tech suggested the relays under the panel near the drivers window. Pulled all those one by one with no luck. None of the breakers near the relays would turn the lights off either.
There must be a relay somewhere?
Any ideas?
09-28-2019, 08:10 PM
Mark if you have a switch back in bed room for your security lights try that it worked for me once.
09-28-2019, 09:11 PM
If I had that switch, where would it be? I’ve looked for a switch like that back in the bedroom and found none. Specifically, where would the security switch be?
09-28-2019, 09:44 PM
When you hit the security light switch it turns on all docking lights to scare off unwanted's around your bus. Mine is a 99 I just figured your bus would have the switch as well.
Try looking above the entry door there might be some fuses in there for docking lights.
09-28-2019, 09:51 PM
If no fuses above entry door go to bedroom back closet there is a tear off panel back there that will expose what looks like more wires and connections that you have ever seen. Look around in there for relay or fuses.
09-28-2019, 11:50 PM
I’ve looked at all the light control panels and none say security lights. I looked above the door and there is a security system in there but I don’t know if it works. Nothing there is labeled for docking lights. If a security switch or security system was calling for the docking lights why is only one side on? The drivers side works perfectly with the rocker switch located near the drivers right knee.
I looked in the back closet and lots of wires but nothing labeled for docking lights.
Tomorrow morning I will pull the bulbs or somehow pull the power to the lights. Hopefully I don’t drain the chassis batteries tonight.
Thanks for trying. Marathon suggested I call Prevost Monday morning.
09-29-2019, 12:00 AM
If Marathon is telling you it's not a Marathon issue turn off the 12V and 24V chassis battery switches in the engine bay on the passenger side. They will go if they are only powered by Prevost
If you can follow wiring diagrams, the Prevost drawings are free to download from the web page.
09-29-2019, 12:23 AM
I turned off the 12 volt and the 24 volt cut off on the passenger side of the engine bay. The docking lights are still on.
I checked the the key to start the engine, no power at the key so the docking lights must be getting power from Marathon. I turn off the main shore power breaker, no change.
Any ideas on a Marathon system that would call for power to the passenger side but not the drivers side?
09-29-2019, 01:32 PM
If you have a BBQ, TV, or entertainment center on passenger side...check for switch inside bay door.
Marathon puts a switch inside for activity while parked at night.
09-29-2019, 02:58 PM
I disconnected the positive lead to both of the docking lights so they aren’t on all day and night. But now I’ve lost the use of the docking lights on the passenger side.
Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
09-29-2019, 03:00 PM
I will look for a switch. Thank you!
09-29-2019, 03:16 PM
No switch inside the bay door of the entertainment center...
Joe Camper
09-29-2019, 07:20 PM
Keep looking if Al knows of such a switch u haven't found it yet that's all. What fun!!
How long have u had this bus. Was it ok for a while and then it started or it's done that from day 1?
09-29-2019, 07:45 PM
Mark, I am going out to look at my bus and see where my relays are at. I had this happen once some time ago and can not remember how I solved. Not sure why Marathon would be telling you to call Prevost because they are controlled by Marathon installed switches. But give me a little bit and I will do some research and get back to you. I will give you my phone number and see if we can get this worked out.
09-29-2019, 10:34 PM
Do you have monitored generator gauge panel in another bay ? Maybe it's there ?
09-30-2019, 12:12 AM
Thanks everyone for the replies. I will try to answer all the questions.
I have owned the coach since June of this year. It’s Marathon #506. The docking lights have been working fine. I have turned the lights on and off several times using the rocker switches up front. Never a problem until I come out one day (the coach is parked next to my house and plugged into 50 amp shore power) and the docking lights just the passenger side are on. I have no idea how long they were on. One day or a few days (I still work).
I’ve talked to the same Marathon tech twice. Once he suggested the panel under the drivers window (no luck) and the second he suggested I call Prevost. Gil suggested I turn off the 12 volt and 24 volt disconnects on the passenger side engine compartment. With those both off, lights still on. Marathon power from the house batteries must be supplying the power.
I looked for a switch for security lights in the bedroom. Nothing there. I looked for a switch in the passenger side entertainment bay. Nothing there either. I need to check all the other bays for a switch. Back to work tomorrow...
Thanks everyone,
Joe Camper
09-30-2019, 08:15 AM
My money is with Al's suggestion. Based on the fact that they were not initially acting up there has been a switch thrown somewhere.
09-30-2019, 09:00 AM
This should be an easy question for Marathon to answer.
These are not the 4 flat halogen lights installed near the front and rear axles, correct? If so, they may be the Prevost lights. If they are, and are powered by both Prevost and Marathon, it's an issue at the switch or relay, if there is one. Toggle the one that works and listen for a relay, likely in the electronics bay just outside the driver's door. I'll look at the Prevost wiring to see if there's a relay.
09-30-2019, 09:09 AM
Relays 62 and 63 control each side of the docking/cornering lights. BTW, the switch should have a docking and cornering position.
09-30-2019, 08:44 PM
Ok Mark I have done a little research my bus is 543 just a few behind yours and a few changes were made. If you get a chance tomorrow give me a call and maybe we can work through this. 574-215-6696.
10-05-2019, 07:25 PM
Joe Camper
10-06-2019, 09:20 AM
That's not what I expected to see. Usually there is only 1 switch a 3 position. Middle off,up for cornering, down docking.
When it's as I described the only time one side or the other come on independently is when the switch is in cornering. When it is, the lights r hooked to the steering wheel and when u go into a turn only the lights on the side u r turning to go on and off with the turn of the wheel. When u move the switch down to docking lights both sides lights up.
Yours should be an easier diagnosis. Either yer switch is bad or its controlled by a relay that's stuck. I can't recall ever seeing the cornering docking switch without the cornering feature. Uncommon that u dont have cornering lights on that chassis??? Could they be automatic and constant. Turn the bus on and turn the wheel to the opposite side and see if those light up by themselves.
I would guess the bus came from prevo as I described and Marathon changed it to what u have.
Go in the steering bay under the driver see if there r any limit switches hooked on the drag link.
10-06-2019, 09:27 AM
Here's the location.
10-06-2019, 10:07 AM
Joe I have two on/off switches for docking lights exactly as pictured.
Joe Camper
10-06-2019, 04:49 PM
Gill that says cornering NOT docking on your image.
Then he does not have relays 62 and 63.
Ok Billy so u do not have cornering lights?
10-06-2019, 04:57 PM
Nope. Nothing attached to drag link either - besides a rubber boot some Cheekaago guy replaced.
Joe Camper
10-06-2019, 05:06 PM
Well that means 2 things. First as it now turns out your bus is not perfect. I knew it. U dont have cornering lights, that's it.
Second, that stinks it's a great feature. Wonder why they would pull that??
Back to the problem at hand.
I see no circuit for docking OR cornering lights on his chassis schematics. Nor does he have relay 62 and 63. Go to the Marathon schematics to see if there is a page on DC circuit docking lights?
10-06-2019, 05:12 PM
Hello all and sorry for the delay. First I have to give a big, big thank you to Flatbroke for getting me this close. Thank you!!
I will attempt to attach some pictures that will help with this.
Bay 2, ceiling, almost center for me but Flatbroke’s is a little different. Take this cover off.
R7 Techlon 5 channel relay node. Take this cover off.
Under the R7 cover. Pulling the fuse makes the docking lights go out. But the red light stays on. Tapping on the white relay did not work. I tried to pull the white relay from the circuit board but it will not detach. Just to make sure it is not the switch I removed the switch assembly from the dash and pulled all the wires from the corresponding switch with no change.
Does anyone know if the white relay comes out of the circuit board?
Thank again to Flatbroke or I would never have found this.
10-07-2019, 06:03 AM
I don't have it handy, but believe the Techlon developer's contact info has been shared before. He's in PA and can answer questions and repair Techlon products.
10-08-2019, 10:19 AM
Joe.........but I DO have cornering lights........just manually controlled with rocker switch(es) on dash - with no self-cancelling feature. :) On a serious note are you guys saying this would have been a standard feature from Prevo, and that Marathon for some strange reason eliminated/modified it to allow for switched "docking" lights? As I've never had anything equipped with "cornering lights" I don't feel I've missed anything.
10-13-2019, 01:14 PM
I found the Techlon rep (Brian in PA) and sent him an email. He replied right away. The relay is soldered to the board but if I pull the board they will repair and send back. $125 an hour plus parts and should be no more than 1 hour. So I’m guessing $150 to $200.
Or $540 for a new board or $690 for a new Techlon unit.
Or I double up the wires and run all 4 docking lights with one switch...cost $0.
10-13-2019, 03:10 PM
If you go with one relay for both sides you may want to consider a standard external Bosch style relay unless you know the lights on both sides won't exceed the capability of the on-board relay.
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