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View Full Version : What TPMS would be the best for my Coach and Toad

09-01-2019, 05:18 PM
I am thinking about a tire pressure monitoring system for my coach and toad. I've done some research, reading the other posts, looking at vendor websites, etc.

Which is the better of the two TPMS;

TST 507 TPMS with FLOW THRU Sensors (12) and Repeater
PressurePro 16 Wheel TPMS Monitor

Or is there another one TPMS better than these two?

09-01-2019, 05:22 PM
I have used the TST system for 3 years with only one wheel sensor failure and it was promptly replaced. I have never had a loss of signal. I went with the commercial truck sensors without replaceable batteries and without flow through. I'm not a fan of flow through sensors on 365s. The valve stem sticks too far out. This would be the case regardless of manufacturer.

09-01-2019, 07:00 PM
Pressure Pro... The 16 wheel Legacy Monitor and Repeater is being phased out. The choice is the FX or Pulse. Go to my website and look at the Pressure Pro and if I can help you, give me a shout.

Trans-Specialists RV Batteries (http://www.trans-specialists.net)

09-01-2019, 08:41 PM
As part of the contract, Marathon had agreed to put TPMS on the new to me coach I’ll pick up later this week if the hurricane stays off coast. However, the service advisor told me they were quite unreliable (or prone to fail) so I decided not to have them do it.

09-01-2019, 09:09 PM

Which commercial truck sensors without replaceable batteries and without flow through did you go with? Does it work with your toad? Our Cadillac SRX has it own tire monitors but will the commercial truck sensors has its own tire monitors for the SRX or will it work with the Cadillac SRX monitors? We did not have any monitor on our coach and toad on our way back to Dallas from the West Palm Beach Rally. We had a blow out our Honda. Have you heard any newer/updated 2019 TPMS for a coach and a toad? I would like to have a TPMS that will work with both the coach and the toad.

Thank you

09-01-2019, 09:42 PM

These are sensors I use and they will work with what you tow.


You'll want to install the repeater close to the rear of the coach. The back wall against the rear cap is ideal.

I've never seen anyone use the factory TPMS that comes with many newer vehicles. Even if you could access them, which I don't think you can, they would not be powered when towed.

I really like the system Prevost uses now. Unfortunately, it's not available aftermarket.

09-02-2019, 01:58 PM

You installed your 507 TPMS with the caps and the tires had the correct tire pressure in them. What is your method/schedule to recheck your tire pressure with a gauge?

Thank you

09-02-2019, 05:37 PM
I seldom need to top off the air more than twice a year. That's not too inconvenient.

09-02-2019, 05:39 PM
I've been using PressurePro systems for over 10 years on three different coaches.

Correctly installed, they are very reliable.

One nice thing is that it can be integrated into the Crestron system, resulting in a great display and alarm functions.


09-02-2019, 05:44 PM
I have used the TST system for 3 years with only one wheel sensor failure and it was promptly replaced. I have never had a loss of signal. I went with the commercial truck sensors without replaceable batteries and without flow through. I'm not a fan of flow through sensors on 365s. The valve stem sticks too far out. This would be the case regardless of manufacturer.

Gil, I don't understand the "without replaceable batteries" . Every ad / listing I see for TST 507 says replaceable batteries. And in Amazon user questions, they reiterate over and over the batteries are user replaceable. Is there an advantage to non-replaceable?

09-02-2019, 05:57 PM
It looks like the SCE sensors now have replaceable batteries.

Less brings up a good point. If you want your TPMS to be integrated with another management or monitoring system you will want Pressure Pro.

09-02-2019, 06:01 PM
I think the 510 unit is the one that you can not replace the batteries and the 507 unit has the replacement batteries. The 510 Batteries last 5 years and you have to send the sensors in for batteries replacement with a $19 to $20 dollar charge per sensor.

<yt-formatted-string force-default-style="" class="style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer">What Are the Differences Between the TST 507 and TST 510 Tire Pressure Monitoring System?</yt-formatted-string>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zlll4_JBxA

The 507 sensor uses CR1632 battery. You can buy battery replacement kits " TST Battery (10 Pack) with Seal and Screw Kit for Cap Sensors for $24.95 They will last about a year. The monitor will inform you when you need to change the battery and which sensor.
https://www.vulcantire.com/tst_batterykit_cap10_prt.htm?refad=GooProdAds11487&c1=GAW_SE_NW&source=USA_PLA&kw=TST_Accessory&cr6=pla&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIlreDuZKz5AIVef_jBx3YPQ7qEAQYCiAB EgKm8vD_BwE

<yt-formatted-string force-default-style="" class="style-scope ytd-video-primary-info-renderer">What are the Differences between the TST 507 TPMS Cap Sensor and the Flow Thru Sensor?</yt-formatted-string>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6IN-lYwgEU

09-02-2019, 06:12 PM
Here's the ones without replaceable batteries.


The other reference I read was wrong. They use the RV designator with the ones with replaceable batteries. If you ask them they will sell you a kit with these, if you want this style.

09-03-2019, 04:54 PM
FWIW ... here's the answer I got from TST sales mgr:

The difference between the 507 RV and 507 SCE is that the 507 RV is designed for RV’s, and small trailers. The sensor has a user replaceable CR2032 battery. The SCE is designed for the Commercial Market, 18 wheelers, and large trucks. The SCE Sensor has a sealed battery that is not user replaceable, and is designed to last 3-4 years.

I would recommend the
TST-507-RV-6-C, and 3xTST-507-RV-S2 for your application. This will give you the 12 sensors you need.

09-04-2019, 12:56 AM
I talked to the TST today. She said if you are not going to use your coach for a period of time, remove your tire sensors. By doing this, it turns the tire sensors off by not having any air pressure and your batteries will last longer. Also label each tire sensor to which the tire they came off so when you reinstall them you will put them back on the tire they came off of so you do not have to reprogram them.

Note: If you leave your sensors on your tires and the batteries run down it will flash until the battery is completely dead and you will not see the warning. So the next time you use your coach and the sensor will not working, check your sensor battery on that tire/s before you replace it. It could save you $50.00.

*** When you drive/send your toad through a Car Wash, be sure to take your sensors off your toad. She said more people have lost their tire sensor/s when they have done this!! To replace one tire sensor will cost you $50.00!

09-04-2019, 08:47 AM
The Pressure Pro FX utilizes blue tooth and any IOS or Android mobile device, 12 or 24v. The batteries normally last 5+ years and are not replaceable. When batteries expire, new sensors are provided at a reduced price. The Dynamic Sensors are very reliable and do not have seal problems.

My price for the FX, Antenna, Power Cord and 12 Sensors is 740.00. A repeater for the FX has been in the works for some time and should be available soon. I have an H Marathon and the signal has been flawless for 2 years. Contact me for Pressure Pro needs...

The tire display below shows my bus and is integrated with Crestron working on an IPad mini.


09-04-2019, 07:14 PM

Given that system doesn't include a monitor and they don't have a repeater yet, why not mount the wireless interface mid coach or further back? It certainly doesn't need to be mounted near the dash.

Dave D
09-04-2019, 11:10 PM
That's what I did, I made an aluminum plate (.090) mounted everything to the plate, wired it up using some 900 mh 12v plug converter and pluged it in under the dinette seats, I had to make an outlet under there, since there was an outlet facing out that was no problem to splice in. I called customer service to see if there was an issue leaving it powered up all the time and they said so problem at all; and there hasn't been. It's far enough back it picks up the toad reliably.

09-05-2019, 08:02 AM
A mid coach mount or rear mount works fine for most applications. There are some scenarios that need the repeater such as pulling a stacker. An external antenna solves that problem until the repeater becomes available.

12-24-2019, 09:56 AM
Which PressurePro system do you use? Thank you.


12-24-2019, 11:33 AM
Since I display the tire pressures to our Crestron iPad monitors and not a smart phone app, I only needed the Pulse and not the Pulse FX. I have been happy with it.

12-24-2019, 06:11 PM
Thank you for your reply. The information you provided was very helpful. Trying to decide between the Pulse and FX. Wanting to utilize the Crestron with the PressurePro.

12-25-2019, 11:17 AM
With the Crestron smart phone app, I can display the Pressure Pro screen. While driving I usually have Waze running on my cell phone (in addition to the dash built in Garmin RV770) so the phone is "occupied".

12-25-2019, 06:20 PM
Thank you again for your reply. I believe that you answered my question, but I have a stupid question. Where do you have your Pressure Pro Pulse monitored mounted?


12-26-2019, 11:47 AM
I made a little bracket and have it near the toll window. That allows me to run the power and remote antenna wires directly down to the steering bay. Since the Crestron display is truly just a display, the PP monitor is the actual control brains. The interface to Crestron has no effect on the Pressure Pro functionality. It will still display and alarm.16060

12-26-2019, 04:48 PM
Thank you for your patience in dealing with my stupidity. The information that you provided is of tremendous assistance.


12-26-2019, 05:55 PM

I believe Les has the 35’ extended antenna that eliminates any loss of signal concerns from the toad. We did a bunch of those with the Pulse since there isn’t a Repeater yet for the newer Dynamic Sensors. The Pulse FX is easier to install since it works on Bluetooth and can be placed anywhere in the coach that assures a good signal from the rear.

12-27-2019, 08:51 AM

Does the extension antenna from the Pulse work on the Pulse FX?


12-27-2019, 09:15 AM
Yes, same connector.

12-27-2019, 09:31 AM

Is there some reason why the wireless Echo Repeater isn't used or recommended. Although wired should be better, 35' is a long cable to snake to the back of the coach and it would still probably only get you just rear of mid coach.

12-27-2019, 10:28 AM
The Pressure Pro Pulse works good on a 40’ XL with the Dipole antenna mounted high on the center post.

12-27-2019, 05:58 PM
Thank you for this information.


12-27-2019, 06:03 PM

They changed Sensor designs and the new Dynamic Sensors won’t work with the original Echo Repeater. They’ve been promising a new Repeater, but still not yet available. The external antenna works well, gets the antenna back about mid coach and solves any rear or toad signal loss. I did my 02 Marathon and it worked well. At least with the FX you have the flexibility to mount the module anywhere in the bus that gives you good signals. Some can mount up front with no problem and some have to find the right spot. Seems to depend on the coach and I assume electrical interference may apply, you’re the expert.