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View Full Version : Cruise Air Help

08-21-2019, 12:54 PM
In my 1998 Featherlight I have three Cruise Airs. The front two work great, the back one is losing freon after about a month. My mechanic has put in dye twice and after very thorough inspections in both the compressor and condenser units there are no signs of leaks. I have a commercial heat and air person who works on R-22 units all the time and recommended I put in a conditioning oil that may solve the issues. He said he see this all the time in refrigeration units in restaurants.

If this does not work I want to put a plan of action for next summer season. Should I pull units this winter and send in for repair? Budget for new ones? Our sleeping area I want and my wife needs to be comfortable at night.

Has any one any info on estimate new costs? Rebuilds? Unit is 22 years old and I assume to may be best to start with new ones.

Thanks all!!

08-22-2019, 01:17 PM
This is the one address you want to hold on to, https://www.aap.com/ Fred is the go-to guy when it comes to Cruisair units.

Cruisairs for non marine applications haven't been produced for a while. AAP generally has rebuild units ready to go. The parts are available, just not complete new units.

08-22-2019, 02:51 PM
Thanks Gil, I have a call into Fred at AAP.

08-24-2019, 12:16 PM
I do not recommend adding the “stop leak” additive to your system. It has a tendency to gum up the expansion valve and could cause you more problems. Your system has a leak in it. If you have leak checked the condenser and the evaporator (blower coil section) units and they are leak free, then you have a leak somewhere in the lines between the two units. If this is the case replacing the two units won’t change a thing. Find an A/C tech who is willing to locate the leak, repair it and correct the problem. Good luck.