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View Full Version : Vänner Equalizer 66-100

07-20-2019, 09:28 AM

Recently I had an issue with my coach not starting. It turns out I had two batteries bad. Prevost in Dallas had installed last year the cheaper Korean version of the interstate brand. On line these have had bad reviews for not holding a charge. After a long discussion with my local interstate dealer they gave me two new Interstate Brand batteries for the bad ones and I purchased two new batteries at wholesale.

I had my mechanic replace the them and coach started right up. As I started to drive the Balance light came on. When I stopped it went off. I called Joe Camper and found the equalizer voltage was not correct. 25.2 and 12.3

The coach being a 1997 chassis, I decided to order a new Vanner. My old one is a 60-100C.

I called Vanner and they said the replacement model is a 66-100. Prevost confirmed and I now have the brand new unit ready to install.

In reading the documentation the differences I see are:

1) The new unit has an indicator light showing if it is functioning correctly. The older one does not.
2) The new unit says to add fault connections between Equalizer and Batteries. (fuse or breaker properly rated for the minimum DC current obtainable) The older model does not seem to have this protection.
3) The wiring sequence of ground off first and on last DOES not apply to this unit. "The Wiring sequence is not an issue with Family 4 and 5 models". (This model is Family 5)

As I replace the Vanner is there anything I need to look out for?


07-20-2019, 10:29 AM
Although Vanner may not require removing the negative terminal first and replacing it last, it's a good practice with all DC systems. It prevents accidental shorting of the power connections in most cases. In the case of the Vanner, accidental shorting is still possible due to the way an equalizer functions.

FWIW, your equalizer could have been responsible for killing the 2 batteries.

07-20-2019, 10:43 AM
Hi Gil,

I had a long discussion with Prevost Pass today. They are very helpful.

1) They did confirm it would probably be ok to not remove the negative terminal first and last, BUT as you said it would be prudent. So I will take your advice and theirs and do so.

2) They said even with the new conversions they do not add fault protection to the system as Vanner advises to do. BUT adding them adds protection against a fire in the coach. He said if the equalizer malfunctions it could cook the batteries and cause a fire. I am going to add the fuses (100 - 125 amp) in line. Question for all, Is this correct that even newer coaches don't have protection? If so that does not make sense to me as so little money for extra protection.

3) He did say with a 22 year old coach it was a good idea to change out the equalizer. I have new one in hand and ready to do this early next week.

With new batteries and a new equalizer my next step is to test out monitor.

Any advise as I proceed?


07-20-2019, 12:06 PM
Here's the wire size and fuse rating recommendations. You'll note the 24V connection is fused for much less than the 12V side. The maximum current on the 24V side is 53A. I rewired and relocated much of my coach's DC house system. I fused every main circuit connected to the batteries. The battery bank is a lot of AMPERAGE!


FWIW, and internal failure in a Vanner or pretty much any electrical device is not protected by the external fuses. In this case, the fuses will prevent an over current load on the equalizers that should already be internally limited. The fires that I know of have been associated with the Vanner monitor that wasn't fused. It must be fused!

07-20-2019, 05:55 PM
Thanks Gil, I agree and plan on doing this ASAP. My mechanic is looking into installing breakers as it will be easier to reset if need be. Vanner in the documentation says either will be fine.

07-20-2019, 10:03 PM
If a properly sized fuse between the batteries and equalizer blows, don't expect a replacement fuse to hold.