View Full Version : Splendide Timer problems

07-13-2019, 04:25 PM
My Spendide washer/dryer combo is having problems with the timer. Model WD802M. The timer seems to stop advancing at specific points during the cycle and all washer functionality stops. If I manually turn the washer selection knob just a bit, it starts back up, then gets hung again later on. Seems to happen at the same points in the wash cycle. Dryer works fine.
I'm suspicious that the timer motor is struggling to advance the timer.
I've removed the timer unit, but due to age, seems others have found it's not available as a replacement part. I've tried Ebay, Appliance repair shops, etc, can't find the part number available anywhere.
I wanted to try spraying something into the timer assembly and turning it around a bunch to try to clean up the contacts and reduce any resistance. The timer unit is riveted closed and does not seem to be friendly to being opened, i dare not try.
Any advice on what to spray in there? I have de-rust spray, teflon lubricant spray, but these don't seemed suited for electro-mechanical use case.

Interestingly enough, i'll be in Milwaukee OR in a few weeks, where Splendide is located. Just not hopeful they'll be able to help.

07-14-2019, 10:51 AM
Get some electrical contact cleaner with lubricating oil. Sold in most big box stores. I believe that assembly is mostly plastic gears and plastic parts so it may or may not respond to lubrication. I would guess more likely a broken or missing gear tooth.

07-14-2019, 03:04 PM
Thanks Jerry for the lubricating oil suggestion. Another posting on IRV2 suggested saturating it in electrical contact cleaner. Which I did, spray, spray, spray, and turned the knob around a lot. Put it back in and now it's working correctly. Problem resolved.

07-14-2019, 08:18 PM

I must admit I've never seen a electrical contact cleaner with lube. I would think dielectric lubes have to be limited to the actual contact as they are conductive. I learn something new everyday.

10-08-2019, 07:34 PM
I thought I'd add an update to this thread.
The lubrication of the mechanical timer ultimately did not resolve the issue. I gave up and purchased a new unit and had it installed. I figured that after 18 years, the old unit had passed it's useful lifespan and time to invest in a new unit. The new unit is working great. After install I did have an electrical issue where the circuit breaker for the washer kep triggering. I resolved this by replacing the circuit breaker.