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View Full Version : Backup Monitor Featherlite

11-17-2018, 01:18 PM
Hi guys,

I had a shop in Vegas install a new in dash stereo and repair a speaker. All went well, but he took out some of the old nav gear and old flip up radio head unit / tilt screen and 80 Lbs of old gear and we have now apperantly lost the power to the Dash monitor or signal to turn it on? There sounds like there is a 5 pin cable that maybe homeless? Any ideas where to get a diagram on this stuff or who made it? Any ideas on a screen that fits if we have to replace?

TADI Brothers looks like the closest fit, but may need a metal dash bezel? Shop indicated that they didn't unhook any video plugs and there is 110 Power. He is trying hard to get it back on. Any Ideas? It all worked when I went in. Where would that video cable to the rear camera be routed on a 02 Featherlite? Just incase we wanted to upgrade rear camera?


11-18-2018, 12:22 PM
I can't talk specifically to your situation. Just realize some systems use a round DIN connector that may not appear like a video connector, but it is. Also keep in mind some cameras have power supplied through the monitor. So, you may need both video and power supplied from the monitor.

11-18-2018, 07:43 PM
Can you get behind the dash to access the video plugs ? If by accident they unplugged and replugged into a different port the camera will not work. Find access to labeled video one (1) or video two (2). Take a picture prior to starting for reference.


Donnie Myers
11-19-2018, 05:55 AM
There was a Niles AVS-II that was probably something they removed. The 110v power supply you have has a low voltage plug that powers the monitor. So you have to get it powered up before you can start looking for video. If the monitor is original it is simply a computer monitor. It does nothing with the camera. I will see if I have a dash open a snap a pic of the connections. This is the gamble by having someone with no experience behind a Vantare dash. The video card is very delicate and does not like to be pulled on. The most common problem is the 3 pin small ribbon cable from the dimmer knob gets pulled out and you wont have a picture if it was turned all the way down. You did try to turn the dimmer knob...right??

11-22-2018, 02:12 AM
Thanks guys, I will pass the info on as I am not there. Donnie if you get that photo text to my cell 250-262-9000. Thanks again.

11-28-2018, 01:14 AM
Happy to report that we got everything working last week, loose pin on a connection? It would be nice if some one could post a monitor that fits the dash hole to allow for upgrading of that old screen, thanks.

11-28-2018, 08:37 AM
Some opt to mount a dedicated rear screen above the dash on the driver side windshield pillar.

11-28-2018, 11:28 PM
If you do that do they just leave to old monitor as a spacer?

11-29-2018, 07:44 AM
It depends. Some leave the monitor to fill the hole, some adapt the hole to a double height entertainment device, and some use it for other functions.