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View Full Version : need to replace dash monitor- need help

11-05-2018, 12:15 PM
My Rosen monitor in the Marathon is going out. I bought a new monitor but the original Rosen was modified with connections from the "screen"
button to the old monitor- maybe up down buttons.anyone know how to modify so the tank levels, voltage etc can be displayed?

11-05-2018, 04:41 PM

Doesn't the screens button toggle with each push of the button to the next TechLink screen?

11-06-2018, 08:58 AM
yes it does but somehow that button is wired to the display that is not a stock display. four wires go to the display connecting at the pads for up, down, and I forget the other two. Also want to replace the old computer with the floppy drive. Understand Marathon has developed a rasberry pi to run that system. wonder if anyone on the board has replaced the old computer/how have they done that.

11-06-2018, 09:28 AM

Call Marathon and ask for that drawing. They will usually send out a drawing or 2 for the older coaches.

Many of the rear view camera systems have the following. 2 wire video or mini coax, power, ground, reverse image, up, down, left, right, and air blower.

From the switch to the monitor I can't image more than video and possibly power to trigger the monitor to switch.