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View Full Version : Michelin 365 Failures

09-02-2018, 06:09 PM
For those with 365 tire failures,

If you've had a 365 tire failure Michelin wants to know. Their point person is Pat. She was the representative that presented at the West Palm Beach show. Her email address is pat.meisenholder@michelin.com Date code of the tire, date of failure and specific failure will help her out.

Given the Michelin tire warranty went to 7 years from 5 and is prorated on remaining tire depth, you may be reimbursed substantially for the replacement. Keep in mind, the warranty requires you to bring your failed tire to an authorized Michelin retailer.

As I've suggested before, you should run your 365 tags at somewhere around 100psi and raise your tag when you can for tight parking situations. As with any tire, they don't like being turned when they aren't rolling. Given the 365 tire is constructed as a super single, it must roll to stay together. Michelin recommends the tire get to operating temperature once a month or so. The construction of a super single is suppose to shed the tread for some failure modes. This may suggest why the last outer tread is coming loose on many failures, especially on tags. Of course the reason isn't as important as them finding a fix.

Canuck Chris
09-02-2018, 08:54 PM
I am wondering these "super" singles are having trouble shedding heat as they are so wide, I would love to have a temp gauge and see some results after a hard run.

Joe Camper
09-03-2018, 06:59 AM
This type of thread should be titled hell bent on Michilan.

The trucking industry has to some degree moved to singles over the years I wonder what there most popular choice in shoes is. Bet it ain't Mr Michilan and I bet they don't spend 1000 a tire either. I'd also be very curious as to what the failures are and the frequency of failures.

Singles come in many different sizes but Michilan is the only one making a 365? Is this correct?

Joe Camper
11-03-2020, 02:14 PM

Look at the rub on the a arm under the corrugated dirt boot. This is an 01 that came from the factory with 315 80s that was changed to 365s

That aint good. Should probably shorten the stop a tick eh??


Here is something else interesting No one ever mentioned that I remember. U guys with "Hub Piloted Rims" not all the pilots r the same. This one has 1/2 in ones spaced all the way around there r others. Some r a solid ring all the way around and then there is another style 5 fat ones equally spaced. Aint that somthin. What a complicated pile a parts. Wonder if that pesky slight wheel hop some fight can be attributed to one of these???


Break times done back to it.

11-03-2020, 03:26 PM
Joe, I assume the rubbing on the inside of the A-arm only happens when turning. I just checked mine and I don't see any rubbing, but my upper A-arms are only 18mos old, not a lot of miles.

BTW: What kind of Pie is that?

Joe Camper
11-03-2020, 07:29 PM
I'm thinking the rub occurs when u turn all the way to the stops.

Cherry pie and I baked it. I have a sweet tooth and it was all that there was last night. I never bake ever. It worked, tastes good lol

11-03-2020, 08:41 PM
Cherry and Pecan Pie are my favorites. Warmed up with a huge scoop of Vanilla ice cream.

11-03-2020, 09:27 PM
Joe, Prevost recommends stop adjustments on some models if they are changed to 365s.

Joe Camper
11-04-2020, 09:45 AM
Well..... I figured that.


Just went to grease it and look the zert is crushed wont take grease. Either that was damaged since new or it got smashed when it goes full right turn.

Who else would be doing 365 upgrades other than prevo?