View Full Version : Front Slide activation
08-14-2018, 11:32 AM
I have a 2006 double slide Marathon XLII. In order to extend the front slide, I have to hold down the extend button for a short while--at which time I can hear air escaping the slide seal--but after that the slide won't extend. I then let go of the button & press it again in the extend position & the slide will then extend. This is starting to happen when retracting the slide also. It seems like I almost always have to give the button a "double hit" in order to activate the slide.
My procedure when operating the slides is to level the coach, have the engine running on high idle & front door open.
I recently had the coach in for service at the Marathon facility in Dallas & the lubricated the slide pin sockets--doesn't seem to have helped much.
Any ideas as to why this is occurring or am I in for a trip to Prevost?
Thanks in advance for your input.
Fred C
08-14-2018, 01:09 PM
Your slide pre operation procedure is right on the money.
Do you know what Marathon used in sockets ?
Are your Prevost air reserves in proper range ?
To add some slide ease to pins sockets I used a spray graphite purchased at NAPA.
Examine area to see if you have pin contact wear in the housing directing spray in that area. After using spray graphite I never experienced any pin issues with our 2005 Marathon XLII, double slide.
Keeping the spray off the painted surface ..... handled with a piece of light cardboard with a circle cut inside. Latex gloves will keep your hands clean.
Graphite is the only product suitable for pin sockets. WD-40 and like products are 100 % a no-no.
08-14-2018, 01:40 PM
Are they Prevost 4/6 pin slides? If so, are you getting the flashing green light when it fails?
The problems could be:
-- inadequate air pressure to create adequate vacuum.
-- bad vacuum sensor. They changed the rating of this sensor.
-- slide pins not moving in time due to pressure, misalignment, or sticking pins.
08-14-2018, 02:55 PM
Thank-you Gil & Al for your response. I dont know what Marathon used for lubricant but they did say it was something they brushed on rather than sprayed. I mentioned dry graphite because Prevost had recommended that to me. He said they used the "brush-on" lubricant to avoid the mess spray graphite could cause. I'm going to try & find out exactly what they use. While at Marathon the tech adjusted the slide pin pressure to 15psi (I think) but that didn't solve the issue. This is a 6-pin slide and the green light is constant when switch is depressed. I did not check the air pressure on the primary air tanks when activating the slide--is this the reserve air pressure you were referencing?
08-14-2018, 03:54 PM
Prevost recommends a spray dry graphite for a reason. When the pins close they have cogs that extend. They want the air movement when the pins go in to disturb the graphite in hope some gets into the cogs.
15psi will not move the pins unless maybe they are perfectly aligned. 15psi is what I'd set your slides seals to if I wanted to sell you new inflatable seals. Seriously, 15psi is what use to be recommended. Now they should be set to 8-12psi.
08-14-2018, 10:42 PM
With all the damage a slide pin can do to your bus I would make a Prevost Ft Worth or Houston appt.
Over many years we have all been through good bad and ugly. Air pressure is so important to correctly operate the sequence order of slide movement, so lets get all the ducks in a row.
I remember Prevost resetting my slide seal pressure to 10 psi after the seal was replaced.
Listen to that little voice in your head before you go on a trip.
09-03-2018, 09:20 PM
I have the exact same issue with my front slide ('06 Marathon XL). I hold the button in for a count of ten, release and hold the button for a count of 12-14. Slide seems to work each time. I asked Prevost (when I was in for a new rear slide seal) and they didn't have an answer for me. Referred me to Marathon. At this point, I have just learned to live with it. Rear slide has no issues. Gil, if I hold the button in for longer that a 10 count, I get a flashing green like. A count of 10, the light simply goes out.
09-04-2018, 09:21 AM
Your symptoms suggest the vacuum sensor is not detecting enough vacuum in the time allocated. That's why pushing the switch again makes it work. I'm pretty sure Prevost changed the vacuum switch to a lower rating, possibly to correct this.
Here's the slide error codes. BTW, I'm pretty sure this is your generation of slides (6 pins on the front). 15242
09-04-2018, 09:51 AM
BTW, if only one slide is giving you a problem you might want to swap your vacuum sensors. They are just on with push-on connectors. Make sure you move the wires too.
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