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View Full Version : Parking brake stuck

06-19-2018, 10:06 AM
We packed up yesterday for an eight week junket north then east. After air up I put it in gear and found the,parking brake stuck on. I applied power thinking that might break it loose but no go. Finally one side did let go and those wheels spun, digging into the loose gravel. We were parked backed near a building so only had about a foot to go back. I tried raising the tags to give more traction but that didn’t help either, that one side remained stuck. Finally I carefully put it in reverse and it did go back a few inches. That must have allowed the still stuck side to release as I was then able to drive out easily.

So, my question is two fold. Why do the parking brakes lock on and what is the correct way to get them to release when they do?

Joe Camper
06-19-2018, 11:58 AM
Few different things can be causing that.

If u r lucky, it's because u r camped by the salt air alot and the shoes rust stuck to the drums and gentle rocking pops them free.

The other cause is an s cam hanging up all on its own.

Another cause is your brake linings have wore down to the point that u r real close to "camming over" and that will also sometimes begin to make the s-cams hang when u go to release.

Come for a visit that's your solution!! Chicago is a great place.