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View Full Version : Interesting times getting out of Puerto Penasco, MX

05-01-2018, 09:47 PM
Many of you have enjoyed time in Puerto Penasco, MX, a short 100 KM south of the Arizona crossing town of Lukeville. We stayed there for a month last winter. When it came time to leave we traversed the same main road going from the beach at Playa Bonita out to the main drag going north to AZ that we had done many times before. At one stop light intersection we encountered a low hanging utility line that caught on the air horns and spot light ripping both off and pulling the line down onto the street. Fortunately it did not appear to be a live power line so no sparks. The police came quickly and the report process proceeded slowly as the police officers could not speak english and I could only speak Spanglish. A younger female officer arrived who did speak some English and a passerby also stopped who spoke both so we got all the legal stuff done in a couple of hours. The officer said if we wanted to go to City Hall and file a complaint the City would pay for the damage......."but it might take some time". We have spent enough time in Mexico to know that means who knows how long it might take so we said, "thank you but will handle it when we get back to the States".

After an unnecessary time delay due to a new insurance claims person all was handled and we were on our way. I found replacement air horns (two different lengths) from the original manufacturer and a remote controlled spot light to replace the unnecessarily expensive cast aluminum job that came on the coach. I like it better because you can control it with a hand held or dash mounted remote. Installation was simple. Life is good now and just one more story to pass on to friends wanting to enjoy the many benefits of a Mexico beach adventure. Go if/when you can!

05-03-2018, 12:46 PM
Were do you stay

05-04-2018, 10:23 AM
Playa Bonita RV park, right on the beach where all the large condos are. The Reef is another RV park on the beach but further away from town out where the new cruise ship home port is being built - er, supposed to be built. All the other RV parks are older ones in the old part of town. We have reservations at Playa Bonita for two months next year. Don't yet know if we will stay quite that long but want the option as Playa Bonita is becoming quite popular during Jan, Feb and most of March.