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View Full Version : Watch out for a Webasto repair vendor by the name of Heatmyrv.com

01-15-2018, 01:56 PM
I seldom comment on poor or unprofessional service but recently experienced a totally unacceptable situation with this guy (John Carrillo) that I feel compelled to mention to our members here.

Shortly before the FMCA 2018 Western Area rally in Indio, CA, i saw him listed as avendor for the event. As we were experiencing Webasto issues I called and made an appointment for him to come to our coach to repair our unit before the rally. He showed up at 5:00pm just as it was getting dark and an hour later than he said he would. He proceeded to completely disassemble our Webasto removing all the wires, control box, they whole burner assembly itself, removing the spark electrodes from the burner head, etc. He recrimped one connector he said was “bad” and then declared it too dark to continue. He tossed the disassembled components into the bay where the Webasto was located and said he would come back to put it back together again. When I expressed exasperation at being left in this condition, he said not to worry that he would call the next day (he did not) and would not leave us this way. We never heard from him again!

Had I not been able to download a manual and figure out on my own how to reassemble the pile of parts, adjust and repair the unit successfully, we would be high and dry with no heat in the coach. So, buyer be weware with this guy.


01-17-2018, 03:46 PM
WOW, Thanks for posting!! Unreal.