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View Full Version : RV pole plug in 101-best I've seen

01-13-2018, 03:51 PM
Great video on electric pole plug in before you hit the switch.

put your curser over pic and click

Your comments are welcome .....please post

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(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Led8UIMtbI8)</ytd-thumbnail>Three Electrical Testing Devices All RV Owners Should Have in Their Tool Kit

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01-14-2018, 08:43 AM
Although this was all good information. It requires the user to remember which plug contact is hot neutral and ground.

I recommend everyone to use a power protection device at the shore connection or built into the coach. Progressive Industries makes a good product. This device will verify the campground plug is wired correctly before passing power to the coach. It will also proactively monitors the voltage and current and disconnect the coach if either threshold has been met.

Some converters install indicator lights on their shore power connection inside a bay and before the coach's main breaker to verify proper wiring of the shore connection.

If you are buying a digital multimeter make sure it's a True RMS meter. Some cheap ones are not. If it's not will not True RMD it will not be accurate when measuring the voltage supplied by a modified some wave inverter. It's also good to have one that measures frequency (hertz) when checking the generator.

01-14-2018, 10:43 AM
Trust but verify your RV park pole plug is working as intended. Had it not been for a routine plugging in of a Progressive power checker "BEFORE" power was allowed into my bus I would have suffered a massive electrical problem in Texas several years ago.

Plugged in my Progressive power checker "without" the coach plug attached, flipped the power switch and bang went my $300 plus Progressive electric box.

Later determined the prior RV probably pulled away with power cord still attached to RV twisting the plug inside the power pole.

I'am currently using my "second" purchased Progressive protection device

dale farley
01-14-2018, 11:03 AM
Progressive Industries saved my bus electronics big time, a few years ago. RV pole developed a dead short, but the PI box disconnected before damage to the bus.