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11-26-2017, 01:15 PM
As most of you know Parliament Coach has left the market place several months ago. My question is what happened to the two (2) buses I saw in Clearwater last year ?
While we were attending an 2016 open house their many Prevost owners had a chance to see conversion #1 under construction with a new house power system.
Conversion #2 was last seen at the POG - Tampa Expo show 2017. Exterior painted but raw inside.

11-26-2017, 02:59 PM
Al, #2 is at Staley's Bus sales. Geo.

11-26-2017, 03:41 PM
#1 Sold, or so I've been told.
#2 As George said, at Staley and listed on Prevost-Stuff. I think Staley may also have gotten a late model used Parliament.
#3 Returned and purchased by an individual.

11-26-2017, 11:19 PM
77 which is the #1 is not sold but is for sale it is quite the bargain he wants $1,250,000.00 which is really a steal if anyone is game let me know and i'll hook the two of you up.